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RE: I'm Alcoholic

in #life7 years ago

It's an expensive hobby though. Not as expensive as photography, but expensive still. I still do it occasionally, though, but I can't drink more than one or two beers in row, and then don't feel like drinking them for another week or two. Same goes for hard liquor.


Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

yeah the price starts adding up quick, im not really into drinking beer. I want to get to that same place basially where i drink once and then dont drink for a week or two. but the way i was going last week and the couple months before was bad. i would pass out drunk and wake up and start drinking as soon as i had the chance.
5 days no drinking sofar and i feel alot better, might drink this weekend but not sure yet. if i do it will be another week maybe 2 till i drink again.
Sorry it took so long to reply, i was looking over this post again and when i went to the comments i realized i was drunk and said i would respond later and never did.
Cheers bro and thank you for the words of support.