I'm Alcoholic

in #life7 years ago

It has gotten really bad the last couple months, drinking by noon and sometimes vodka in my coffee.
At the store today the whole time grabbing things off my list i kept telling myself i dont want to buy another bottle but i did. The liquor department is right by the checkout stands i grabbed a bottle like i always do.
After i kill this fith(prolly by tomorrow) im going to try to not drink for atleast a week. Im not going to quit drinking but once a week or just the weekends (not pastafarian weekends) at most needs to be my first step.

This posting is not for you, im doing it for myself so i can stare at it and re read it when i need to.
I dont want to kill my liver and need to knock this shit off.

Now i go back to staring at this unopened bottle of vodka.


I clicked the link.

Being, "bad cop" to yourself will not stop you from drinking. Listen to Gonzo, he has useful advice.

Yeah i know.
I havent had liquor for over 24hrs for sure, just need to slow down a bit, drunk 24/7 is a good way to kill a liver.

Hi skeptik. I use to drink. I was on the scotch for years then it was sailor jerrys rum and juice. I would always feel entitled to a drink after work and for many years i did truly enjoy and relish in it. That went away and was replaced by a dumbing down. A slow sluggish feeling of dissatisfaction, yknow a hungry ghost feeling. And you would pour another drink thinking it would help and it doesnt. But i tell you what there was something i was after. It was the juice. So i kinda tricked myself by still serving up the reward of a fancy drink but without the alcohol. My fridge would have pineapple, orange, all types of blends. Coconut water. Cranberry, guave nectars. And that was that. I knew how the alcohol would make me feel but still a thirst deserves to be quenched.

Thats a really good idea, i have been constantly munching on stuff and drinking alot of water but maybe a nice juice to sip on would help me with the missing drink i usually have.

The JUICE! This man gets it!

Knock it off with the superalcohoic shit. If you want to drink, have some wine with dinner. I too have my usual after dinner "caffe corretto" which is an espresso with a shot of cognac, but that's about it for me.

I already slowed down by not drinking for however long its been now.
over 24 for sure.
on the weekend at most is where ima try to get to.

Sure is boring not drinking though.

The thing worries when you start to drink only, but the first step is to realize the problem and have the will to change things.

Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

Ok not click the link is equal a hurry click in the fu***ng link

Well do not worry, you'll fall several times before you achieve it


Yeah true, just keep getting back up.
I realize i have a problem and am trying to do something about it.

Somehow I missed this post before. Tough road. Been there.
There is support when you want.

ive been doing prity good i think, went the whole week without liquor. got drunk on friday and so far not drinking agin this week, might not drink the weekend either.
its a bit boring not drinking, being an alcaholic always gives you something to do.

Yeah, it was cool for quite a while till I started getting things I didn't want to get. lol

It's an expensive hobby though. Not as expensive as photography, but expensive still. I still do it occasionally, though, but I can't drink more than one or two beers in row, and then don't feel like drinking them for another week or two. Same goes for hard liquor.

Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

yeah the price starts adding up quick, im not really into drinking beer. I want to get to that same place basially where i drink once and then dont drink for a week or two. but the way i was going last week and the couple months before was bad. i would pass out drunk and wake up and start drinking as soon as i had the chance.
5 days no drinking sofar and i feel alot better, might drink this weekend but not sure yet. if i do it will be another week maybe 2 till i drink again.
Sorry it took so long to reply, i was looking over this post again and when i went to the comments i realized i was drunk and said i would respond later and never did.
Cheers bro and thank you for the words of support.

Thats rough man. Honestly though if you give yourself the chance to drink by having it around or planning to drink inly at certain times it is not going to do anything for you. If you have it at your house you will drink it. Trust me, i know.

Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

Thank you for the words.
Its 5 days and no liquor and it was actually easier then i thought, its for sure if its around ill drink it but not buying more became a problem. ive been to the store 3 times this week and didnt buy any and that was a great feeling cause a week ago i couldnt do that.
Drinking on the weekends at most is my plan, still trying to figure out if i wanna drink tonight or not.

so you are saying i shouldn't nominate you for the 7 day beer challenge tomarrow ? lol. glad you are getting it whipped.

Whats the 7 day beer challenge? If its to not drink beer for 7 days i got that beat, i drink vodka.
Maybe not whipped but starting to slow down a bit atleast.

damn, i upvoted the post, it was a great review.
I made beer might be about a year ago, maybe 9-10 months ago.
Used the last bottle a month ago i think cooking. i wish i would have saved one to send you now. Ima have to check the spot in the garage where i kept them to see if i have one left.
It was super dark and way strong, started with a pale ale kit and added a bunch of extra carmel and sugger to boost the alcahol content, was supposta be 13% before i added extra food for the yeast and my berometer in the end said it was 19%. lol
I gave a 6 pack to my father and he said that it was a great tasting beer but because they were so strong he couldnt finish one.
i just used them for cooking brauts in coleslaw with potatos. lol
The more alcahol the more bitter i find and this one was super bitter.
Maybe have a 7 day hard liquor challenge?
I can buy nips and try new stuff but as for a beer challenge i would fail, i dont enjoy beer like a true beer lover. 7 day weed challenge maybe? lol
Sry bout the long rant, took my first shot of the weekend.
atleast i got 5 days in between.

Oh i had liquor around me this whole time just didnt realize it, i stuck my pitbullion sticker on a half fifth bottle and use it kinda like a flask. i pulled it out to put some liquor i just bought in it and it was a quater full. LOL
Good thing i didnt know cause i might have drank it this week.

Hey buddy, I wouldn't be too hard on yourself about this, I'm sending you a PM chat.

need to be harder on myself
Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

thanks bro, i seen it and left a long drunk rant.
Keep kicking ass!

Hey Skeptic. You are doing the right thing by having a reminder of what you need to do by posting on Steemit. Try to avoid drinking alcohol for some time and see how it goes. You can start by avoiding it for a week, then another week. Sometimes it can be healthy to drink wine but obviously with a limit = )

Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.

Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

Thank you,
I was looking at my post and realized i said i would relpy to everyone when drunk and i didnt.
Not supprising.
I am basically doing like you suggested, its been the whole week and i might drink this weekend but then its another week without maybe 2. Im not someone that drinks wine, more of a hard liquor person.

Thank you for the words of support, and sorry again it took me so long to reply.

Stop drinking.

Im drunk and will reply tomorrow.
sorry i am shit.


Do Not Click The Link

You know man you've always been one of the more decent people on this platform. Don't drown yourself. It's a waste.

Thanks, i try.
Just slowing dow a little on the drinking, was going a bit overboard.

Dear friend, everything in excess can be harmful, if it is the case you should moderate the consumption of vodka especially for your health and for considering your friends of steemit that we are attentive to your blog. Also today I invite you to read my last post entitled "The sky is the limit" dedicated to the Hero Anonymous of steemit, which I hope you like. Best regards

i will be sure to check it out.
Cutting down is a good thing, little boring but my body is sure thankful im sure.

Of course my dear friend and as a medicine I propose you contemplate the fall of the sun at sunset. Best regards

I've picked up the habit of drinking more often. A bit too much and shows in my belly. Yesterday I wrote a drunk post here and then the comments with micky, haha. Need an app that stops me from using social media when i am drunk.

Good luck with the cutting down, at least your making effort.

I have had many DUI (drunk using internet) posts on steemit.
Yeah its been over 24hrs and i feel decent, waiting not to drink during the week will just make the weekend more fun.

I feel for you bro. Given your situation, I strongly recommend tapering down, but that's hard to do on your own. It takes a lot of discipline. Just going cold turkey can make you pretty sick, and that creates a lot of pressure to drink, and can knock you back to square one.

It's easier to do with some support, particularly of folks that have been through it.

AA is good folks and can save your ass when it's on the line.

Give it a try, at least. I've never been bitten by anyone at a meeting.

Being hard on yourself is how you got to where you're at. Consider that. Think that if you're kind to yourself, as you reckon good people should be treated, you'll take care of yourself - which it sounds like you want to do, by quitting drinking so much.

I wish you well, and hope you get to a place where you don't have to drink, or be hard on yourself any other way either.

Im lucky as i havent gotten the shakes and stuff from not drinking. been 24 hrs and not to horrible, just slowing down so i dont hit that point where i have physical withdraws.

Thanks for the kind words.

Im not planning on quitting but the amount i have been drinking the last couple months has been a bit crazy.
When im only drinking on the weekends at most its not so bad and end goal would be 2 times a month if im just chilling at home or on steemit.

If im going out with friends thats one thing but just sitting around the house drunk is kinda pointless.

Image result for become alcoholic at least i'll always have something to do meme

Bit of words:
Engage in another activity that you simply cant do when drunk - and make this your new FUN habit - so when you fall off the wagon you will be psychologically punished for abandoning your new FUN habit, and you will be much more likely to examine the dopamine of each and continue down the FUN habit path.
Examples: challenging video games, martial arts, a musical instrument, yoga, etc..

The key to changing habits is to replace the dopamine flow with something more exciting and healthy - for example: its much easier to quit an addiction if the next day you find a superb romantic partner that is not engaging with your addiction. The dopamine levels from the partner can easily replace the habitual need of a rush that was supplied by the substance. BUT - if the person hits the road, that person might hit it hard again - because there is no dopamine trigger... Thats why rewarding habits are good - stable habits that make you happier than drinking!

I agree, one step at a time.

Move to Venezuela and you can not drink anything. It's a bad joke I'm sorry that things are very tight in Venezuela thanks to God I have a job and I can stay well.
If you think you have problems you should seek help, friends help, being alone does not help. Take care please.

and that life treats you kindly. you have a beautiful ability with your art and your peculiar way of seeing life

Yeah i know things are bad there.
I just need to slow down a bit.

very good take care please

And yes i will remind you in my every next comment on your post bro..