She made that face that wives do when they see their husbands enjoying themselves immensely.
We all know that face. :-)
Did you know that Big Joe always invites his relatives to parties. They all use their nicknames though. The first to arrive is usually Big smile. Then there's Big Voice, usually followed by Big Muscles, occasionally followed by Big Mistakes. But, his one nephew likes to arrive late... sometimes after the get-together has finished ... he's typically known as Big Headache.
Don't get me wrong, they are all great!!! But it's always good to know what to expect when you bring Big Joe to an event.
I am fully expecting the whole gamut of the family of the Big Joe! I shall be polite to each and every one of then but I might tell Big Headache to fuck off :OD
hahahaha. You can try, but Big Headache is a stubborn one. He likes to stick around.
The one thing I did find that convinces him to go away for a while is to sit down and have a couple more drinks with him.
That sounds like a fine plan! I wonder if the Good Lady would be agreeable to me being a fallabout drunk for the entire weekend! I will try and rope her in too. Thats how you get round that problem!