What you up to?
The Good Lady said, stopping in her tracks as she bustled about the Good Ship Boom making sure that all was as it should be.
I was crouched by the door with a grin the colour of madness plastered all over my beautiful face.
What are yooooou up to?
I screeched like a mad old fisher wife who had stopped to ask her handsome husband silly questions.
I am taking the fucking dog out for a walk.
The Good Lady humphed, folding her arms across her chest.
But we don't have a dog, hah hah hah hah.
I cackled like a Scooby-Doo Villain before those pesky kids finally get him.
Of course, we don't have a dog.
The Good Lady didn't seem to be playing.
Didn't she know it was Friday? The day of Kings? When all that is wrong with the world becomes right for a couple of days?
So, why are you crouching by the door? What are you up to?
She looked at me suspiciously, as if I were famed for bringing loose woman into the house and tearing at them with my teeth in front of the door like a dog with an old shoe.
I am waiting for a delivery. A very special delivery.
I smacked my hands together and rubbed them making a rapid sss sss sssing noise.
Oh. Special delivery is it? Let me guess. That would be your beer delivery wouldn't it?
She made that face that wives do when they see their husbands enjoying themselves immensely.
Just because I look excited doesn't mean it's beer, you know. It could be lots of other things.
I stretched and stood up as my rickety old matchstick knees were beginning to seize up tight like a Nun's wazzock.
Pfft. Of course, it's beer, why else would you be hanging about the front door?
I put my very serious face on. The very same one I wear when I am in the shower examining my chumbawumbas or testing the height of a bike saddle.
Maybe something else is happening. Maybe something really important. Maybe something...
There was a squeak of brakes outside the house and through the mottled glass of the front door, I saw a white van pull up.
My heart started pounding like a drummer with new sticks.
The Bear-Man!! The Bear-Man!!
I started clawing at the door to open it.
I knew it was beer. I still don't understand why you are so excited though. You get beer every week?
The Good Lady snorted.
I stopped for a moment, twisted my head back and looked at her incredulously.
You don't understand, Big Joe is in this one!!
I hauled the door open.
Big Joe? What the heck is big Joe?
I paused for a moment and laughed.
What is Big Joe? What is Big Joe?!!?! Ha, you'll see lady! YOU WILL SEE!!
And I ran. Out into the glory that was the weekend and Big Joe...
Big Joe? Do I know him?
Dontcha? Do ya? Do tell!!!
Haha! I have never met a beer with a head like that! I am sure I would recognize him! 11%??? I am still in awe.
The strongest one I had was 14%!! Which was just silly, lol
Where is my post today, Boom? Surely you have not run out of words... That is insane 14%
Get cracking with that keyboard.
Haha, can you believe that my pally children demanded of me all day today!!! Even when I begged done time to tap a few words not a moment peace was given!!! But tomorrow is a definite, (I'm back at work on a Tuesday, lol)
Oh!! You let the little ones bully you??
Haha! You are a great daddy!
Beautiful Sunday Goes Sublime@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @meesterboom! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @dswigle!Hmm...I have a feeling the aliens may be coming back to collect you again.
I do so hope that you and Big Joe have more fun than two goats with a piece of molasses dipped baling twine!
I have two of the beasts, I am seeing saucers right now!!
And I hope I have more fun than that too!! :OD
11%!!! The last ale my hubs brewed tested out at 10% star-seeing greatness, you are going to see more than saucers lol lol!
Enjoy the fun good sir:)
Anything in double figures is danger town and that's no mistake!!
I fully intend to enjoy the start of it before the skies fall down and I have to find the king!
tokens.As much as I want to write a witty riposte, I rolled a 1 with my only wit dice and all I can do is shake my head in mild exasperation and strong amusement XD
That's funny that's just what the good Lady did when I came in shouting my precious!!
Bahahahaa guess we have something in common as I just mentally did that again too XD
I love how modest you are about yourself Haha you'r poor wife deserves a medal 😂😂
I might award her a pork one!! ;0)
I could see that coming....🤣🤣
I know, I am pure obvious :0)
We all know that face. :-)
Did you know that Big Joe always invites his relatives to parties. They all use their nicknames though. The first to arrive is usually Big smile. Then there's Big Voice, usually followed by Big Muscles, occasionally followed by Big Mistakes. But, his one nephew likes to arrive late... sometimes after the get-together has finished ... he's typically known as Big Headache.
Don't get me wrong, they are all great!!! But it's always good to know what to expect when you bring Big Joe to an event.
I am fully expecting the whole gamut of the family of the Big Joe! I shall be polite to each and every one of then but I might tell Big Headache to fuck off :OD
hahahaha. You can try, but Big Headache is a stubborn one. He likes to stick around.
The one thing I did find that convinces him to go away for a while is to sit down and have a couple more drinks with him.
That sounds like a fine plan! I wonder if the Good Lady would be agreeable to me being a fallabout drunk for the entire weekend! I will try and rope her in too. Thats how you get round that problem!
Hahhaha, the happiness of waiting something which has been a great desire for you. Few can understand the enthusiasm. It's that excitement of kids waiting for the ice cream truck. When those used to be a thing😂
Amazingly, we heard an ice cream truck last night! It didn't come too close but we heard it as it taunted us from various nearby locations!
It was exactly like that! :OD
This one....?
Looks dark and deadly...!
Oooo no, mine is by Overtone Brewing! Big can! It's 11%!!!
11%, that's strong wine level!
Danger levels!!! What a night it will be!!
Does Big Joe have a clever number attached to his name? If not, I can hardly work up any interest. Sorry 😂 Big xxx's always have a clever number. Just sayin'
HAhahaha, sadly no number in this case but I am sure there might be some xxx come this weekend when I get trying it! :OD
Women, they don't understand anything. they fail to understand the life of a classy man. Like who is Big Joe? The beer that the bear man brings of course.Hello dear friend @meesterboom Good morning
Now eager to meet Joe and what he brings inside him.
we will see tomorrow.
Have a great day dear friend
Big Joe looks like a mean hombre! Someone to wrestle with!
Cheers jlufer, I look forward to the trying!
We will be accompanying that tasting
Hopefully it turns out good
Enjoy your day
I am glad I wont go into the breach alone!! ;O)
Hahaha I like this. And will the beer test video come?.
it always comes
Said in a horror voice over style... :0D
When I am talking about Big Joe, it is usually not a can or a bottle I am talking about 😂
Lol. I am getting the feeling it's something minging!
"...a grin the colour of madness plastered all over my beautiful face."
I am stealing this line for my personal use.
Hehe, I did rather like that one myself!! :0)