I remember. Was this before or after the shout-out by steemed-open? (I'm trying to recall if I saw it as it was posted or whether I looked back at it)
I remember. Was this before or after the shout-out by steemed-open? (I'm trying to recall if I saw it as it was posted or whether I looked back at it)
Haha, way back flashback. Hmmm, I have no idea about the timing of said shout-out 🤔
When I joined (the site that won't be mentioned) ..., Sean was already there, but Cindy hadn't joined yet. Or something like that.
As a dedicated curator
lurker, I read all of their stuff ... then one day they mentioned you. Then I thought ... fine ... I'll go back and read all of her posts too. My guess is, that was when I saw the photo above.