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RE: El Jefe Arise!

in #life2 years ago

Pre-Covid, while still working at the office, I used to use the exact opposite tactic. I would arrive at the office, then immediately turn my teams/skype/lync to show me as away, then proceed with my day.

A couple of times a day, the bossman would swing by, and look at me funny. (In his brain, I could see him thinking, "but the light shows yellow - the light doesn't lie") But he never asked. So I thought I'd pick it up a notch.

When I heard him coming over... {Listen for the wheezing}. I got down under my desk to fix a "loose cable". When he peered around the corner, he didn't see me, so asked my neighbour if she'd seen me. I quickly, quietly got up and back in my chair. My neighbour, who I'd just been chatting with, got up and came over to my cube and said "Hi". I responded "Hi". The Bossman looked in and was a little stunned. Again, he huffed and walked away.

Rinse and repeat for about 3 months.

Then the Gods smiled down and had him demoted - then we upgraded to a competent manager. The new manager's philosophy is ... as long as the job gets done, and noone finds the bodies, everyone's doing a great job.


Hehe, that's quite a good head messing!!

That's the best way isn't it? You get the best out of folk when you let them be and get in with the job. Then if the job isn't getting done you can crack heads but if it is then just let it be!

I figured I'd share this. A $10 mouse jiggler USB attachment. :). Give one to everyone in your team. (The one's you want to keep). :)

Oh man! I want one of them. Ithink I will get one in fact. I am sure they didn't use to exist. Or maybe I just didn't search well enough!

I thought you might like that. But your optical mouse with an analog watch is quite brilliant as well!!!

Desperate times call for desperate measures, lol!

Have you got one yet? They are very useful. For me. I like to go take a coffee break without my computer locking up before I get back. When working from home, I believe the threat of someone sitting down at my computer and doing something is basically 0. When I want to lock it, I lock it.

Exactly. I am the same. I wait to lock my computer when I want not after looking away for two minutes!!

I have one on my Amazon wish list! As soon as I am getting something I will bang it on!