Wow. Well done @onceuponatime. I'm impressed!
Sadly vanity hasn't trumped will power in my world yet. I still spend way too much time in front of a computer screen and move too little. 😢
Wow. Well done @onceuponatime. I'm impressed!
Sadly vanity hasn't trumped will power in my world yet. I still spend way too much time in front of a computer screen and move too little. 😢
Maybe it will kick in for you, like me, when you look down and can't see your shoes :-)
Ha, ha, ha @onceuponatime. Maybe. But I'm more likely to go down the healthy eating route rather than the exercise one. 😊
Why not both? I do both and I think they are both necessary to optimize health.
Simply because I hate exercising @onceuponatime. I also think they are both necessary to optimize health but I'm not very disciplined. 😊
I can't remember that I said anywhere that I "like" exercising. And you may need to engage vanity too to overcome lack of discipline :-)