You've already tracked one down and it will be delivered at your door tomorrow, haven't you? Dang it, I've spread the shirt to another continent. Lol. I'm sure if you are wearing it I can find a way to like it.
By the way, are you still baking bread, or was that a covid lockdown pastime? I was making hamburger buns when I initially read your comment, and I thought of this. I haven't fooled with sourdough lately, but intend to get back to it. It's on my to-do list, right behind buying up all those t-shirts so that I can burn them ;)
Lol, I might not like it enough to wear it except once in work perhaps for shock value!
I am still baking away. three or four times a week for bread and once a week a focaccia, which is really easy to make but very tasty.
I am thinking of getting back in the sourdough game as I want to get that right, my sourdough were never as good as I wanted!
Oh I haven't had a focaccia in ages, that sounds like a good idea for this weekend! I tinkered with sourdough quite a bit and I was happy with my standard white loaf, but then I started getting squirrelly and milling my own whole wheat and using that...and that is quite a tricky business. I had a lot of flops, which I refused to throw away and toasted, so it was dense and rock hard like melba toast. Ha. Basically, that heavy whole wheat just doesn't give a good rise, and I hadn't mastered it before life got crazy and I stopped for a while. I'd like to get back to those experiments, and back to just a regular white sourdough loaf too.
It would be interesting to compare our sourdoughs. I wonder if my wild yeast tastes different from your wild yeast. You'd think it would, although maybe only to people with refined taste buds. Visualize a wine tasting, and in place of wine we have loaves of bread. Somebody will be muttering about the full-bodied robustness...
I can quite imagine it! You would think that each wild yeast would have its own particular profile. I got to a stage where I was mostly happy with my white one but was never entirely happy with my starter. Then with all the child madness I kept mistreating the poor thing.
I think this festive season I will get another going, I am now intrigued wondering if there really is a noticeable difference between them. There has to be!
I think sourdough starter is probably the most abused fungi in the world. I kept neglecting mine too. I suppose this is nothing new and all those medieval neglectful bakers taught the yeast to be tough, so now we have hard to kill starter.
Mine was really strong tasting, in my opinion. I didn't mind - if your going to have sourdough you might as well go all the way. When you get yours going let me know and I will mail you a loaf and you can compare. Will have to make the tiniest loaf to fit into the smallest international priority box ;)
Tiny Loaves R Us we shall be! I always fretted that mine was ot strong enough in flavour. I might sneak in a grape to get it going this time and see if that makes a difference. A book I have swears by it!
A grape. Interesting. I will have to look into it.
I was quite surprised by it but it seems to be an accepted technique!