That's funny, your possum is weird and scary.
Ours are a bit vicious too, even though they look cute. The ring tail see cute but the brush tail can win a Fight against a cat.
They make the funniest throaty noise when they threaten each other too.
I have a brush tail possum just outside my bedroom window, in the paper bark trees.
I don't know about other people but I sometimes half wake, know I was snoring, am still snoring even and... 😲
Anyway this possum was just a few metres away. It must have thought I was threatening it, it was snoring viciously back at me. I did it back consciously a few times for fun, then I freaked out and closed the window. It was hot and stuffy but I had visions of it jumping through my window 😂
Everything in our home can be referenced by Simpsons, Modern Family or a nineties movie of the Billy Madison genre.
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