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RE: Two New Friends

in #life7 years ago

Yeah... I never managed to get what I wanted for making your Christmas gift. So you may end up the recipient of something experimental. Hope you don't mind too much. ^^;;

I think it's funny that of all the terrifying and deadly things in Australia, you guys got the super Goddamn adorable opossums and we got the ones that give Australians nightmares. XD

Please don't put yourself out for me, though. Anything you send me will be amazing, just because it's from you. ♡


That's funny, your possum is weird and scary.
Ours are a bit vicious too, even though they look cute. The ring tail see cute but the brush tail can win a Fight against a cat.
They make the funniest throaty noise when they threaten each other too.
I have a brush tail possum just outside my bedroom window, in the paper bark trees.
I don't know about other people but I sometimes half wake, know I was snoring, am still snoring even and... 😲
Anyway this possum was just a few metres away. It must have thought I was threatening it, it was snoring viciously back at me. I did it back consciously a few times for fun, then I freaked out and closed the window. It was hot and stuffy but I had visions of it jumping through my window 😂

Everything in our home can be referenced by Simpsons, Modern Family or a nineties movie of the Billy Madison genre.