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RE: Derrick Broze Asks the Important Questions About USG Surveillance

in #life2 months ago

Dear @valued-customer !

Do you think American-made drones are more dangerous to Americans than Russian, Chinese, or Iranian drones?

Presently people becoming aware of our exigency are wielding democratic mechanisms to elect national and regional leaders that oppose global governance, or those they hope are opposed to global governance. However, it is apparent that the majority of the electorate(s) are not well informed as to the particulars of the globalist agendae, of the specific individuals that are part of that cohort, or how existentially critical such opposition is to surmount the global government that has been growing in power for decades, at least. Political mechanisms alone cannot surmount these many vectors of that global power being imposed, particularly those that remain covert, implemented through economic mechanisms outside governmental agencies, or through corruption of government and implementing war and violence against populations by blatantly illegal acts, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

The recent plandemic and the mandatory subjection to bioweapons under cover of critical medical intervention exemplifies that latter corruption of government and the global nature of the genocidal crimes against humanity the global technocratic totalitarian tyranny embodies and must inflict in order to achieve it's stated goals of global governance and population reduction. Those goals cannot co-exist with sovereign national polities, human rights, and democratic institutions. The covert attack on humanity has resulted in perhaps ~60M deaths since 2020, through combined totals of covid deaths and the deaths ascribed to the jabs, to many mechanisms not yet shown to be caused by the jabs, shortages and deprivation of essential goods and services, such as medical care, indirectly caused by the plandemic, the lockdowns, masking, and government oppression, in addition to overt acts of war, for example, while the gradual imposition of WWIII continues to expand from it's initial loci across MENA to Europe, to threaten other regions, and increased effect where it has already been begun.

Do you think Trump can solve the problems you're worried about?


"Do you think Trump can solve the problems you're worried about?"

No. But more importantly, I don't think he has any intention of solving them. He calls himself 'the father of the jabs', so I don't think he wants to stop them. He wants to do more of them. He is part of the Zionist NWO taking over the world, and they are testing medical devices on us because they want that information and they don't care if we live or die. In fact, they intend to kill us if we live through the tests.

If his masters are satisfied with the results of the destruction of Ukrainians and Russians that has been achieved, they will have Trump end that conflict. I don't think they have killed enough Ukrainians and Russians yet, so I think Putin and Trump will agree to keep killing them for a while longer.

I think the killing in Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria has just begun, and I think Trump will keep doing that very enthusiastically. His Zionist masters want to ethnically cleanse all those countries and give them to Israel, so Zionists can live there, and that's what Trump will make happen.

So, more war, more jabs, and more surveillance is what I expect, not less of all those things that is what I actually want.


Joseph, who lives in Oregon, is a fervent Trump supporter and I'm surprised you're against it!😯Dear @valued-customer !

No. But more importantly, I don't think he has any intention of solving them. He calls himself 'the father of the jabs', so I don't think he wants to stop them. He wants to do more of them. He is part of the Zionist NWO taking over the world, and they are testing medical devices on us because they want that information and they don't care if we live or die. In fact, they intend to kill us if we live through the tests.

Many East Asians, including myself, believe that the lower class white people in America elected Trump as president because they couldn't stand economic poverty!

East Asians expect Trump to steal money from around the world and distribute it to Americans.

In particular, I thought Trump would make white workers in America believe that they were superior to people of color like me.

I hope you don't get offended by my awkward English!

Thank you!

I think E. Asians are right about many Americans, but not about me. Many Americans can not answer the question 'How would you feel if you had not eaten breakfast today?' because they cannot imagine such things, but only report 'But I did eat breakfast today.' or 'I feel fine having not had breakfast today.'

I spend more than 8 hours a day researching events and reading the reports of research conducted into many different topics. I doubt many other Americans do so, and most people choose reporters or a media outlet they find agreeable and just hear that one viewpoint. Because of this, they don't undertake to weigh the claims those reports make, but just consider them factual, and consider themselves informed.

I am aware that Donald Trump is the son of Fred Trump, who was a devout Zionist all his professional life, and that Donald Trump follows in his father's footsteps in that regard. For many years Donald Trump apprenticed to Roy Cohn, a rabid Zionist, anti-Communist Jew, homosexual, and confessed pimp of little boys to politicians and powerful people Cohn blackmailed. When Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, Donald Trump took up with Jeffery Epstein, also a pimp of children to the powerful and a blackmailer.

I don't think most Americans know that about Donald Trump, nor believe that Donald Trump learned that trade from those men, until he turned on Epstein, the student became the master, and had Epstein killed in his custody in a Manhattan jail. But that is what the evidence suggests has happened, and who Donald Trump is.

Zionists are infamously racist, considering all non-Jews, both you and me too, as just animals. I am certain if they can pit one race of animal against another race of animal to conquer both of them, they would not hesitate an instant to do so. I am not a Zionist, and I do not believe either you or I are animals that Jews can use for their profit, abuse, or kill at will. I hope you don't believe such things either. I don't think you do, but that we are in agreement that all people deserve the same legal rights and protection of just courts and laws, whether we are Jews, black, brown, or white.

Inflation steals money from the entire world today and benefits the banksters that print money. I doubt Donald Trump can increase that by even 1% no matter how hard he tries. It is my expectation that Donald Trump intends to reduce inflation, which will cause fewer $T's to be stolen by banksters. However, that stolen money isn't distributed to poor Americans, but to banksters. While robbers try to steal from people with valuable items and cash, banksters and government steal from the poor most of all, and give to the rich all of their stolen money. Perhaps your East Asian acquaintances aren't familiar with inflation, and do not understand how it taps their pockets and takes their wealth from them to give to banksters that print money.
