In this video, @dbroze of the Conscious Resistance wonders how Starshield can be mitigated or avoided (~3:50 in). It's a very good question, because a global network of satellites that cover the entire habitable area of the Earth simply can't be avoided by moving to a jurisdiction outside the surveillance state. Voting with our feet can't work in a global police state.
What can be done about it? How can free people retain the qualities of life that comprise freedom? Without going into a definition of 'freedom', which is increasingly difficult to define the more specific the definition, anything beyond the cursorial, even inchoate, meaning of freedom to individuals immediately reveals that surveillance is a threat to freedom by enabling knowledge of the particular acts of persons authority intends to command. When a state of nature exists, persons out of sight act without the ability of tyrants to know what they do. In a state we are, or shortly will be, in, where no place or act isn't surveilled by tyrants, then that easy freedom enjoyed in a state of nature is no longer possible. Every act tyrants consider unauthorized can be policed, and subjugation becomes the default state of humanity. The whims of tyrants become the conditions the the entire population experiences without surcease.
No one could consider that freedom, whatever we personally define freedom to be.
It is apparent that surveillance by satellites, and drones, as appears to be underway as well, is effected by means of both passive and active application of EMF technology. From passive sources, such as video and audio that can simply be monitored, to active means, such as radar and other EMF mechanisms, like LIDAR, the means of surveillance potential to satellites and drones all depend on EMF. Therefore, any surcease from such surveillance will involve prevention of availing EMF data to such surveilling mechanisms.
The natural state has no means of preventing such surveillance, and the rocks, trees, and animals of the world will not be wild and free except the overlords availed of that surveillance data intend it. That will also ubiquitously apply to people insofar as they do not use technological means of preventing acquisition of that surveillance data. People that do nothing will be as subject to the whims of tyrants as any beast of the field. People that intend and achieve any freedom from tyranny will merit that freedom by their actions to prevent EMF surveillance of their every living moment.
So, what technologies enable people to prevent tyrants from surveilling them 24/7 with satellites and drones? Different spectra enable different mechanisms to surveil targets. The spectrum ranges from ELF (extremely low frequency) signals produced by the Earth itself, to the terahertz frequencies used in body scanners, with higher frequency signals being shorter range due to increasing susceptibility to interference. It is this principle of interference that best enables prevention of acquisition of surveillance data in an environment surfeited with satellite and drone surveillance mechanisms.
Two different mechanisms are known to me to implement such interference. One is shielding, such as the lead aprons we are given when our teeth are x-rayed, and the barriers that prevent radio frequency penetration, generally films or meshes of conductive materials known as Faraday cages. These are passive shielding. There are also means of active shielding, such as use the algorithms of noise cancelling headphones, but for EMF rather than sound.
Interference in frequencies used in passive and active EMF surveillance are potential to merely cancel such frequency detection, as in noise cancelling, or to spoof signals, which depends on intentionally emitting signals in addition to canceling signals emitted unintentionally. Both audio and video spoofing is potential, with application of holography. Additionally, this likely benefits from some information about what frequencies are used and what data is attained through such surveillance to optimize utility of active interference. IMHO, this will be necessary to prevent utter subjugation to tyranny that will be imposed via ubiquitous global surveillance that is nascent today.
It is necessary that the sheep separate themselves from the goats, to ensure that they aren't targeted by any oppression aimed at goats - or even at sheep, as criminal genocide increases in amplitude. The nature of the global technocratic totalitarian tyranny has been revealed by institutions and their coordinating documents, such as Agendae 21 and 30 by the UN, by books and papers from principals like Klaus Schwab of the WEF, Tweets by Elon Musk, publications by the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, the Council on Foreign Relations, World Government Summit, and many, many more with foci on particular aspects of global governance and centralization like the IMF, WWF, and so forth in bewildering variety.
For this reason independent reporting by researchers outside official provenance is critical to enabling freedom of people(s) that centralized global governance is intended to prevent. Eventually any resistance to such agendae will be criminalized, and absent continuing dispersal and development of decentralized means of production, will be eliminated. The centralization of governance of civil society is well understood by most today to be intended to eliminate freedom, however individuals and associations of any kind that are not part of the global centralization of power being imposed may define it, and further is widely known to intend genocidal reduction of human population by ~90% within 5 years, as published by some of the above named organizations.
This intended genocide absolutely depends on criminal democide and abnegation of human rights, because killing people is the actual deprivation of the one human right to life that is a prerequisite to all other human rights. As this global government arising publicly claims to be intent on such population reduction that necessarily violates that primary right to life, it also intends to eliminate all other subsidiary human rights, at least for anyone that isn't one of the overlords immune to the censorship, economic deprivation and penury, lack of access to food and essential goods and services, travel restrictions, inability to reproduce, and can conduct any affairs not subject to the oppression being imposed on the vast majority of humanity. The WEF has notoriously said that 'You will own nothing, and you will be happy.' Presumably because anyone not slaughtered in the coming global genocide will be happy to survive at all.
Presently people becoming aware of our exigency are wielding democratic mechanisms to elect national and regional leaders that oppose global governance, or those they hope are opposed to global governance. However, it is apparent that the majority of the electorate(s) are not well informed as to the particulars of the globalist agendae, of the specific individuals that are part of that cohort, or how existentially critical such opposition is to surmount the global government that has been growing in power for decades, at least. Political mechanisms alone cannot surmount these many vectors of that global power being imposed, particularly those that remain covert, implemented through economic mechanisms outside governmental agencies, or through corruption of government and implementing war and violence against populations by blatantly illegal acts, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
The recent plandemic and the mandatory subjection to bioweapons under cover of critical medical intervention exemplifies that latter corruption of government and the global nature of the genocidal crimes against humanity the global technocratic totalitarian tyranny embodies and must inflict in order to achieve it's stated goals of global governance and population reduction. Those goals cannot co-exist with sovereign national polities, human rights, and democratic institutions. The covert attack on humanity has resulted in perhaps ~60M deaths since 2020, through combined totals of covid deaths and the deaths ascribed to the jabs, to many mechanisms not yet shown to be caused by the jabs, shortages and deprivation of essential goods and services, such as medical care, indirectly caused by the plandemic, the lockdowns, masking, and government oppression, in addition to overt acts of war, for example, while the gradual imposition of WWIII continues to expand from it's initial loci across MENA to Europe, to threaten other regions, and increased effect where it has already been begun.
Any people(s) in the world that intend to survive need to arm themselves to prevent their violent eradication by war and other violent means as these overt and covert attacks on civil society and human populations continue, spread, and burgeon. Already the covert elimination of reproductive capacity has reversed population growth on every inhabited continent except Africa, where it is also dropping precipitously today, and still remains largely unaddressed by civil society. Further, uncontrolled immigration from regions embroiled in war or crushed economically obscures that population collapse by the replacement of declining indigenes with immigrants across the West today.
From these examples of the imposition of the policies fundamental to centralization of governance in a global technocratic totalitarian tyranny achieved, ongoing, and nascent, it is apparent that program is underway, and the imposition of a global surveillance police state will be ever more necessary to that program as it becomes harder to conceal from the target populations. While we who are aware of the nature of the enemy of humanity rightfully celebrate increasing awareness of these enemies and their crimes against humanity, it is obvious that alone will not suffice to end the genocide and turn the tide in our favor. That increase in awareness and opposition is predictably obvious and has long been incorporated into the plans being implemented, so we must consider the coming escalations that will be imposed and take effective action to counter them.
One thing we will increasingly need is security from the global satellite surveillance network being imposed, because if we are not able to secure our communications and acts from that surveillance, we have already lost and everything we do will be known to our enemies before we do it. It doesn't take much thought to realize that such tactical informational advantage provides superior battlefield operational effectiveness. As WWIII becomes more existentially hazardous to more and larger populations, that will increasingly become a dominant aspect of the polycrisis developing.
@valued-customer, you're rewarding 0 replies from this discussion thread.
Now I'm rewarding one.
Dear @valued-customer !
Do you think American-made drones are more dangerous to Americans than Russian, Chinese, or Iranian drones?
Do you think Trump can solve the problems you're worried about?