Live happily because happiness manages your mindset, calms your mind, makes you more confident, builds your self-esteem and creates good relationships

in #life7 years ago


We all want to be happy. But we sometimes think of happiness as a thing that happens to us something we have no control over. It's easy to link the idea of happiness with the situation we're in. We might tell ourselves, "If only things were different, then I'd be happy."

But that's not really how happiness works. Research shows that just a small portion of happiness depends on a person's situation. So where do most of our joy come from?

Born Happy?

Part of happiness depends on personality. Some people have a naturally happy nature. We all know people who are cheerful and optimistic most of the time. Their upbeat characters make it easier for them to be satisfied.

So what does that mean for people who are born with a personality that's on the grumpy side? They might see the faults in people and situations instead of the good. Their mood might be glum more often than it's cheerful. But if they'd like to be happier (and who wouldn't?), it is possible to get there.

Happiness Is Up to Us

Researchers have found that more than half of joy depends on things that are actually under our control. That's excellent news because it means everyone can be happier.

A big part of how happy we are depends on our mindset, the habits we practice, and the way we live each day. By learning the key ingredients of happiness, we can use them to become happier.

Why Happiness Matters?

Happiness is more than a good feeling or a yellow smiley face. It's the feeling of truly enjoying your life, and the desire to make the very best of it. Happiness is the "secret sauce" that can help us be and do our best.

Here's what researchers found when they studied happy people:

Happy people are more successful.

Happy people are better at reaching goals.

Happy people are healthier.

Happy people live longer.

Happy people have better relationships.

Happy people learn better.

Ingredients for a Happy Life

Happiness is so important in our lives that it has its field of research called positive psychology. Experts in this field have found that there are key things that make people happier:

Positive Emotions

Joy. Gratitude. Love. Amazement. Delight. Playfulness. Humor. Inspiration. Compassion. Hope. Creativity. Interest. Excitement. Enjoyment. Calm. We all like to have these positive feelings.

Besides feeling good, confident emotions do good things for our brains and bodies. They lower stress hormones, help ease anxiety and depression and improve our immune system.

Feeling some positive emotions every day has a significant effect on our happiness and well-being. That's why it's so important to do things that give us positive feelings. Even simple actions like playing with a child or a pet or going for a walk outdoors can inspire these feelings.

Knowing how to manage our negative emotions is also key to happiness. Painful feelings are a fact of life. But the way we handle them makes all the difference.

Strengths and Interests

The things we're good at, and like to do, are our strengths. We all have powers, even if we haven't discovered them yet.

Strengths include:

the things we're interested in: for example, music, art, science, building things, cooking, reading

any skills we have like painting, playing an instrument or playing a sport

our good qualities such as kindness, humor, or leadership

Happiness increases when we discover the strength and practice it. The more we practice a strength, the better we get until we really master it.

When we get really good at doing something we enjoy, we can get lost in it. That's called flow. Experiencing flow helps boost happiness. Finding daily ways to use our strengths is a crucial ingredient for a happy life.

Good Relationships

The people in our lives matter. Good relationships are one of the best ways to enjoy happiness, health, and well-being.

Developing specific emotional skills can help us form and keep good relationships. When we are there for the people in our lives, and when they're there for us we are more resilient, resourceful, and successful.

Here are some of the skills that help us build good relationships:

learning how to understand and express our emotions

using empathy to understand how someone else feels

using kindness

showing gratitude

developing assertiveness to say what we want and need

Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life

Our lives can be busy with day-to-day activities and responsibilities. Many of us multi-task, so we might race ahead, thinking about the next place we need to be. But slowing down to pay attention to what we're doing and why builds happiness.

Pay attention to the effects of your actions. Notice the ways (big or small) that you make a difference. Live life based on the values that are important to you. Take time to think of what matters to you (like helping others or protecting the planet).

In what way do you want to make the world a better place? Notice any small daily actions that point you in that direction. They help give your life a sense of meaning and increase happiness.


When our lives are precious with positive emotions, significant relationships, strengths to practice, and a sense of purpose, we are ready to accomplish things.

Setting and achieving goals gives us something to put our energy into. It lets us see how we make a difference.

Put effort into things that matter to you. Do your best at whatever you try, without a need to be perfect. If things don't work out at first, keep an optimistic mindset and try again. Believe in yourself and your dreams.

Set realistic goals and small action steps to turn dreams into realities. To make success even sweeter, celebrate it with people you care about.

Get Happier

OK, so you can learn how to be happier by managing your mindset, calming your mind, becoming more confident, using your strengths, building your self-esteem, doing things you enjoy, and creating good relationships. That's a lot of things to think about! You can't tackle them all at once. But you can start small and pick one something to work on.

The best way to reach any goal is, to begin with small, specific actions. After doing these for a while, they become habits — things that fit into your day without you thinking about them too much. That's when you move on to build a new daily habit. Achieving small, specific goals can add up to big happiness!

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Happiness is not a goal it is by- product. Be happy and keep smiling brother @hamzayousaf.

The problem with people is that they worry about things they can't change. For example, they might worry about their past mistakes and missed oppurtinities. However, they must realize that they can't change their past and instead learn to live in the present, try their best and see how things go from there. Like you said, they shoud remain optimistic and be happy. We should hope for the best but also be prepared for the worst.

I agree with you . Thanks for your views

dear,,. Life is short and hence time is precious. Enjoy every moments of your life in its fullest with all your resources. Happiness comes from fulfillment of physical, emotional, and mental needs

I agree life is for enjoyment.It should be full of happiness enjoy every moment of life with full determination

Happy people also tend to be healthier and live longer.
it is the most important thing we can foster in ourselves and our children,
really a great post

Yes people live longer if they are happier. Happiness and other positive emotions play an even more important role in health.
Thank u for your views

dear sir i mean
It depends on your feelings, opinions, emotions, experiences. At this time you find a thing that is your happiness, but later you figure out it is different. Happiness or unhappiness, they convert together at a certain time.

Happiness is a choice, we have got the choice on how we want to live our life. It doesn't really matter the circumstances in our life

Life is a bed of throne,,Happiness is wanted by all,,Happiness may solve everything,,,We do all thing for happiness,,I wish all are be happy with their family,,Thanks for sharing,,
yeah,,i appreciate with you,@hamzayousaf,,good content,, @upvoted

Thanks for your views

Very well said. The good of humanity must be that each one enjoy as much happiness as possible, without diminishing the happiness of others. Happiness does not depend on external conditions, is governed by our mental attitude. True happiness costs little; if it's expensive, it's not good class.

Thanks for your views

Nice one bro,is being a while, well happiness is actually up to us as you rightly said. Happiness helps our system to stay healthy. Thanks.

I really agree with you, we can feel its own. Happiness including the peace of the soul that is very difficult we get maybe because we are far from the creator of happiness itself

Thanks for your thoughts

Great writing my friend. I am 100% agree with you. Part of happiness depend in our personality and our action.

Thank you for your thoughts

To feel a happiness,first we should give chance for our mindset to accept that happiness,face of the problem that we got in our life by smile,because the smile is one thing that bring us into the happiness,such your smile that show happiness in your life.

Thanks for your thoughts

very nice inspirational & motivational post. Happiness is just like a tonic which improve your positive energy and give you healthy life. more over it cost you nothing. Thanks for sharing the words of wisdom @hamzayousaf

Thanks for your thoughts

Really nice post.

And It does matter, How happy we are in ours life?

Really amazing smile.Your article is very informative.I have learned more from here.Thanks for your sharing.

Thanks a lot

I am very inspired with your post, handsome photos can be used for wallpaper@hamzayousaf

People often forget that happiness is the ultimate thing we crave for, and unnecessarily merge that with wealth and materialistic things.