Do you ever glaze over the same insignificancies staring back at you and think, “Yea yea, I really should take care of that.” Maybe it’s something that needs to be put away in its spot, or something that needs a quick fix. It’s almost like the fact that since it’s such a small little task, that it can wait until...
I’ve glazed over so many 5-minute tasks around my home that I don’t even notice them anymore. I looked at the clutter sitting on top of our fridge last night and wondered why I’ve never bothered to tidy it up.
Because it’s such a small deal. Why waste time on something so insignificant, when I could use my time on something with more gravity. Something that will make me feel like I actually accomplished something.
Am I The Only One?
Have you ever finally got around to taking care of whatever task it was that was guiltily staring back at you? For me, the first thought is always, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” Its true significance doesn’t reveal itself until it’s been taken care of.
I often times find myself waiting until I have a few hours to myself(which is hardly ever) so I can get all these tasks accomplished. Truthfully, I’m finding I accomplish much more in 5-10 minute increments than I’d ever get done in an hour or more (I am far too easily distracted.)
But this principle can be applied to so many areas of our life. Reaching goals, making life changes, overcoming a fear, and so on.
Rome was not built in a day, the saying goes. So obviously this is not a new revelation. But do you find it that it’s tough to remember and live by? I’m not sure if it has to do with instant gratification? It’s more satisfying to see large progress being made with large tasks, rather than see small progress after each small task.
So I encourage you to use those couple minutes to just do instead of making excuses. You may not see a big difference right away, but keep on
for a couple weeks and wait to evaluate then.
Are you good about doing things the small tasks as you see them?
LOL we cleared off the top of ours so we could get it moved!
I am trying to get more stuff moved and try to find my balance of just how far I want to down size to. (bare walls and only a chair to sit might be a tad over kill)
With kids that are not interested in any of the antiques it is a conflict of what I enjoy and knowing in the future they would just as likely pile it up and set it on fire instead of selling them to others to enjoy makes it hard.
Haha now there’s some inspiration to get a person cleaning! Bare walls and a chair is how I imagine those small township halls must look on the inside. Not a hone.
Hmm as far as that last statement. Would making a will stating you want such and such items to be donated put your mind at ease? Or maybe there’s an idealism that needs to be let go of?
A will is just a piece of paper and up to whom you designate on if they will follow it, it is the reality.
Not many have an appreciation for antiques anymore and they want that cheap lite weight sticks of furniture that breaks easy, none of mine meet that need ;-)
Picture furniture well over 100-300 years old that takes 3 men to move and you have some of what I have (German shrunk over 6' high 3 foot deep and 11' long, comes in sections that are screwed together to make 1 unit).
Yup I keep waiting for that magic time called Golden years to be able to sit back and enjoy...
Everyone does this, I try to make a conscious effort to take care of small things as soon as possible as to not have them pile up. Thanks for the motivation. Hope your day is great.
It really does take a conscious effort! It’s so easy to glance right over them, and next thing you know, you’ve got a big list staring back at you. You’re welcome and hope your day has been great as well!
You are so right...I look at the little piles and figure I can just get them later. It's when those little piles turn into big piles that I wished I would have dealt with it when it was little!!!!!
Also how is the tag line doing? Growing on you?
Isn’t it mind boggling how fast they grow! Old habits are hard to break.
I think the tag line is growing on me. Still sounds funny if I say it out loud. But it seems relevant to the kind of posts I put out?? Plus it’s a good reminder for myself!
howdy there hebrewhousewife! hey nobodies refrigerator looks that good on top, that's not fair! lol. Good rule to live by though to do the little jobs before they get big, it's so easy to become a professional procrastinator, like me.
What is it about any and all surfaces collecting junk?! Professional procrastinator? You? How so?
hey if you have a family like ya'll do then I don't know how you could possibly NOT collect stuff, especially on a farm! I don't think it's possible. It is for us because we don't buy anything except food basically, and gas.
But yes I always procrastinate, I drive myself crazy! lol. Not about things that I like to do but things that I know need done like maintenance type things or cleaning, really bad on the cleaning one!
The way it ends up is there being a big list of things that I'm avoiding because I don't like doing them. so then it becomes a problem which shouldn't even exist because I should have done them. pitiful. lol.
And how does Mrs. J feel about your procrastination?!
hahaha! hey that's a good question. well there have been times when she's gotten tired of it but that's rare. She's a type A get it done before a plan is even thought of type of person so if it's anything that she can do it's already done! lol.
But if it's my stuff she probably just wonders about me because she can't comprehend not taking care of things immediately.
how are you doing on your goals of taking care of things like dishes?
to me that's just small stuff that I don't worry about, doesn't matter to me because there are more important things but that's just me.