hey if you have a family like ya'll do then I don't know how you could possibly NOT collect stuff, especially on a farm! I don't think it's possible. It is for us because we don't buy anything except food basically, and gas.
But yes I always procrastinate, I drive myself crazy! lol. Not about things that I like to do but things that I know need done like maintenance type things or cleaning, really bad on the cleaning one!
The way it ends up is there being a big list of things that I'm avoiding because I don't like doing them. so then it becomes a problem which shouldn't even exist because I should have done them. pitiful. lol.
And how does Mrs. J feel about your procrastination?!
hahaha! hey that's a good question. well there have been times when she's gotten tired of it but that's rare. She's a type A get it done before a plan is even thought of type of person so if it's anything that she can do it's already done! lol.
But if it's my stuff she probably just wonders about me because she can't comprehend not taking care of things immediately.
how are you doing on your goals of taking care of things like dishes?
to me that's just small stuff that I don't worry about, doesn't matter to me because there are more important things but that's just me.