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RE: Free Armadilloman Wallet from Papa-pepper!

in #life7 years ago

I quit Comedy Open Mic because my video intimidated them. Most of the judges are in different countries so they have no clue about guns or our gun culture here in the States. I just figured I'm too radical for Comedy Open Mic. So I left after not even getting an honorable mention. Plus some of them admitted to me in the chat room that they were indeed snowflakes. And I don't wish to associate with any group that welcomes snowflakes.

As far as that target goes, I just put it out in the woods to get me something to aim at for the video. I hadn't intended on doing any target practice. I just wanted to fire a few shots to prove that my AR-15 was indeed real. Just firing 3 shots I wasn't planing on actually hitting them and right in the center like that.


oh ok that makes perfect sense about the group being unfamiliar with guns because of their location
and they wouldn't have a clue.
also the bayonet was a great touch and probably would have freaked them out even more! lol! I thought the bayonet was great, haven't seen one on an AR except photos.
what exactly is your definition of a snowflake, it's such a funny term but it means someone who is
liberal or is it more specific do you think?

The bayonet came with the upper. It was an added bonus. I spent $350 on the scope/red dot. It has 3 color settings: red, green, and black. I still have yet to zero in my scope. Which was another reason I was shocked I hit the target like I did. I guess maybe I don't have to zero it in HA HA.
I haven't really thought about the definition of a snowflake. To me they are all tide pod eating libtards LOL.

hey wouldn't that be something if your scope was sighted in just by
installing it? a self-sighting scope.

yeah I like the adjective "libtard" also, that's a great combination
and one can't misunderstand the meaning!