oh ok that makes perfect sense about the group being unfamiliar with guns because of their location
and all..no they wouldn't have a clue.
also the bayonet was a great touch and probably would have freaked them out even more! lol! I thought the bayonet was great, haven't seen one on an AR except photos.
what exactly is your definition of a snowflake, it's such a funny term but it means someone who is
liberal or is it more specific do you think?
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The bayonet came with the upper. It was an added bonus. I spent $350 on the scope/red dot. It has 3 color settings: red, green, and black. I still have yet to zero in my scope. Which was another reason I was shocked I hit the target like I did. I guess maybe I don't have to zero it in HA HA.
I haven't really thought about the definition of a snowflake. To me they are all tide pod eating libtards LOL.
hey wouldn't that be something if your scope was sighted in just by
installing it? a self-sighting scope.
yeah I like the adjective "libtard" also, that's a great combination
and one can't misunderstand the meaning!