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RE: Free Armadilloman Wallet from Papa-pepper!

in #life7 years ago

Hey thanks! Yes that was my intention. I've had a youtube channel for the past 6 years under the same name. Rainbow Man is my comedy act. As an artist, activist, and comedian I'm taking the rainbow back from the snowflake generation LOL. My friends on the west coast in Washington all called me the angry hippie because of how much of a radical gun nut I am.

HA HA yeah Toby aka Smithlabs. We've been emailing back and forth and soon I'm hoping to plan a trip to his gun club to meet him. He only lives 4 hours from me.


wow are you able to make any money on youtube?
angry hippie lol, isn't Washington state full of snowflakes?
smithlabs is super cool, that would be a fun trip!

No, I never made any money on youtube. Not one video of mine ever went viral and I had a few good videos I thought would. I've made more money and accrued more followers in my first two months here on Steemit then the entire 6 years I was making videos for youtube. I haven't made a lot yet on Steemit but I never made a dime on youtube. My last video for youtube I posted awhile back saying that I've moved here to Steemit permanently and will no longer make videos for youtube.

Washington is full of snowflakes. That is why I left. Guns don't kill snowflakes, I kill snowflakes! HA HA I wasted 5 years of my life in Oregon and Washington and all I got was my lousy youtube channel. This is why I talk so much shit about the west coast and think Trump is building his wall in the wrong spot. He should build his wall along the Idaho, Nevada, and Arizona. Not Mexico LOL.
rainbow business card.jpg

lol! oh man that is funny stuff!
it's hard to believe you didn't catch on with youtube,
are you gonna do them on Dtube here?
I hear that's the way to make money.
what a wildman! are you in a rural area?

Thanks for following Jonboy. Yes I'm in an off grid location slowly building our homestead for my wife and I. Right now we live with her Grandma till we get our house finished. I shared the link in the other comment on my bird post.

I've made a few videos so far. No luck making any money yet. Just pennies and a few dollars here and there. I'm still new to steemit. My signature memes I made from my first comedy rant for Comedy Open Mic with my AR-15. That video might be too radical and vulgar for you. I get mouthy and angry. Soon I plan on making more gun related videos.

your strategy sounds good rainbow man, what is the link to that video that was radical and vulgar, I think I can handle it. I mean as long as the message is truth then I don't mind vulgar, there is a huge amount of that on this platform and it seems to thrive so as long as the message is correct I salute it and support it. I hope that makes sense.

and I think you can explode in growth here because you are so
unique and entertaining... at least I know that I haven't seen
anything like you on here! that's why I'm shocked that you didn't
get traction on YT, what are they a bunch of lilly white lib snowflake

Lots of us here on Steemit are refugees from youtube. Yes, youtube is run and owned by the George Soro's funded propaganda machine run by these libtards. Mark Zuckerberg himself is the grandson of David Rockefeller. They have declared war on us coming for our guns. They shut down all the gun channels and the ones that are left have to make changes to their channels. It is sick and I want no part of it. Here on Steemit I can be as radical as I want and I get cheered on which is great.

For the most part I'm too radical. Which is why I never got anywhere with youtube. I wasted 5 years of my life on the west coast trying to get myself established and got no where. No help whatsoever from people. Which is why today I am a nihilistic misanthropist for the most part. I'm autistic so communication with me is rather difficult. I don't know how to make good posts and better videos. The fact that I figured out how to upload videos to youtube is a miracle. There is no structure at all to my rants. It all comes out as verbal diarrhea.

And here is the comedy video I made for that I submitted to Comedy Open Mic. I didn't win the round. I didn't even get an honorable mention for this video.

well...I don't know what to say because everything you've said makes perfect sense and is well written, better than most I'd say so if you are handicapped in some way it doesn't show from what I can see.

I didn't know that Zuckerberg was the Grandson of Soros and I didn't know that youtube was owned by Soros. good riddance to YT then.
I hope Steemit stays free and open to whatever people want to put on here.
I don't know what this means: "a nihilistic misanthropist" what's your interpretation? those are some big words for a redneck!(me)

I think you're gonna do fantastic here and it will be fun to watch your rise.
when you get to be a whale just remember who your friends are. lol.

I'll go check out that video tonight sometime.
do you have a regular job?
how do you have income if I can ask?
I'm semi-retired but was looking for a way to make money
at home when I found Steemit but I'm still looking because
this looks like a long haul with no income for a year or so.