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RE: Financial Integrity. Can You Be Trusted With Money?

in #life7 years ago

@oluwoleolaide is a good person

Contrary to the saying Good people are scares, I say Good People are not scares

The Fact is, the goodness of people is in everyone but selected few choose to do good...

If You ask me why... Firstly, when it comes to the financial aspect... Greediness is the cause of bad behavior, Many people are too self-centered which makes me ask the question.... WHY?, CAN'T WE ALL BE A MORALIST?..... Well, Many are

Also from your line Ma,

Financial integrity has to do with honesty and transparency in handling money related affairs.

Most people don't even care about integrity....CHAI!!! I wish they can read (48 Laws of Power) integrity is said to be guarded with your life... Or what is the value of someone with low esteem?.

But this I'll never do

Unfortunately, very many have soiled their hands in misappropriation of personal and public funds.....

Congrats Captain Philip for the proven integrity