Grasping the importance of small, clear, immediate steps to reach that big, glorious goal in the future is a major break trough in valuing today. More than that, the more one does, the more one gets into the habit and joy of doing. It reminds me of the almost paradox effect we see when people change their lifestyles and start doing more sports - although they move much more, they have much more energy.When not you, then who? When not now, then when? Thank you for reminding us, @sameer777!
One thing I didn't quite understand though. What do you mean with "Past is a lesson that we have to let go of"? Learning from past experiences and incorporating the learned into todays decisions seems like a pretty valuable skill to me. You actually say something along the same line in your article ("Most usually gets depressed [...], while very few learn from their past experience’s, put them aside and put their hopes and thoughts on today [...]").