Hmm.... I don't know, knowing you I would expect at least a few made-up, nonsensical words.
But yes, I do love me a good gonk.
And what is with these youngsters not understanding that we're not that old? I'm barely pushing 80, still a spry young man.
Kidding - I'm still on the younger side myself, but I at least understand that there was a generation before the 80s, 70s, 60s...
my great love of medieval vases.
Boomy - Is there something you need to tell us about?
You mean you don't like medieval vases?
It seems like they are built to think anything over 30 is dead. Wee bastards.
Eh, I prefer the more... enjoyable medieval artistry.
Have you never seen those torture devices? Absolutely brilliant.
I have indeed, such marvellous and ingenious things. Not marvellous on the wrong end but marvellous none the less!
But of course, they were so delightfully... cruel in those days, something the masters of our day seem to fail at time and time again. More's the pity, the world would be a much better place if only our esteemed leaders would teach the peons their rightful place
Is the teaching that is lacking at all levels sadly
Indeed, verily so ;)