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RE: Tinder Fails: Going out with a genuine witch

in #life2 months ago (edited)

LoL. I enjoy reading this dating story through Tinder. I thought that Tinder is only available in the USA. Personally, I feel sad for the girl. She must be very insecure as she was too jealous. She needs more love and attention or maybe, she needs a professional help.

I also don't like tattoos but sadly, it is normalized these days.

What I've learned from this story is you can't force a man's feelings towards a woman and if we women meet someone who shows an interest, it's really true. I don't know if all of us women do it, but for me who had tried dating website before, I couldn't trust those sweet words easily and the first meeting is still uncertain. Even if a woman has shown her true feelings (love) towards a man, if a man doesn't like her, he will never like her ever. Hmmm


I also don't like tattoos but sadly, it is normalized these days.

It really has become normal hasn't it? I feel like it is extremely rare these days to meet someone that doesn't have tattoos and it used to be the other way around just 20 or 30 years ago. In my part of Da Nang there are probably 24 tattoo shops, one of them I can see from my balcony. I believe in letting people do whatever they want but honestly, I have never seen any image that I like enough to have it permanently put on my body. It's a bit funny because a shop opened next to the tattoo parlor near my house that speicalizes in tattoo removal. I don't even know how that works. Lasers a I guess

For me, meeting the person for the first time is not something that makes me nervous. I have no expectations and try to put them at east before we meet to not be worried. If we like one another we go on another date, if we don't, maybe we can be friends or maybe not. Either way it is free food (well, for them it is) and I really don't mind paying. I'm traditional like that and think that it is right for me to pay... If things have changed in modern times that's fine but I do it my way.

Tinder is global I think. I've used it in USA, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. The meets have been mostly fun but none of them lead to a relationship and that is just fine with me.

Yeah staying single is stress-free because, you can do anything you want. I just hope that there aren't times you're lonely. Good decision for being true to that crazy woman. lbsShe was lacking of self-love and value. Funny thing that she did everything to make you jealous. She invested a lot of emotions and expected more from you which I think, you're right for not expecting things especially on first met.

Sometimes, it comes to my mind to have a tattoo in my tummy, like a serpent tattoo or a dragon just to cover up my scar from open cholecystectomy surgery, but I think it's scary or I'm just scared. Some People think having tattoos make them cool, but it's really untidy to look at.