Great examples of how water maintains life force! Thanks for sharing that.
I'm sun in Aquarius, but I consider the Libra disposition to be something I cultivate as a part of my striving for equilibrium and equanimity. I honestly think that all of the signs represent important qualities for us all to cultivate and also guard against excess in.
I agree with you on all the signs. Aquarius for me reflects and nurtures my Friendly, Humanitarian, Intelligent, Inventive, Loyal, Independent and detached aspects. While I have noticed one's sun sign does tend to generally be more prominent with most people, depending on where all the other planets and large objects are placed in relation to one another, where we're born at the moment of birth, as well as many other factors at any given moment as we move through our lives.
I guess the Libra in me loves to consider and harmonize it all into something Pythagoras beautifully called the Music of the Spheres, Harmony of the Spheres, Symphony of the planets, etc. I of course love the Harmony way or expressing it, because it is more encompassing in sensory perception than just music, which already goes deep in expressing the beauty of it all. I am struck in this moment of how in a way astrologically (and astronomically) we are each our own unique musical expression of the one whole that we all are a fractal of.
It's like as we each come into this particular life in this plain of existence, we are each birthed through with our own chord of specific vibratory tonal frequencies, which we get to tune and tweak as we move through this life in this experience of time and space. This is the kind of mind candy I love to chew on, as for me the Harmony aspect feels to be also in a unique mix of colors and so much more too than simply auditory; and it feels to connect with far more dimensional realms than this 3D world we "think" we live within that really also lives within us. The tonal vibrations are really cool, though, in how they resonate and permeate everything. This is a nice resonant segue into one of those PAUSE moments. :)
I love that metaphor and imagery!