This is an interesting story, thanks for sharing it.
I have two burning questions though. You mentioned you got pregnant.
- (1) If your child becomes aware of your lifestyle, how will you shelter them from it, "until" they are the right age to understand it?
This is a complex issue, that I personally don't believe a small child should have to deal with at too early of an age. Just my own view.
- (2) So far you've been lucky and really dilligent. What happens when a situation that you couldn't possibly foresee happens?
For example, you are with someone "new" who seems like a normal, sane person. 6 months later they lose their job, they go through a psychiatric breakdown, become clingy and weird, and make you and your partner's life a living hell and start stalking.
You know those oddities, like movies are made about? :)
interesting question 1
I don't think societal norm will change fast on open relationships.
I'm guessing you will be brave and learn your kids to challenge society
So I kinda think you've called this one wrong. All of us on earth are slutting up fast (and I mean this rather positively, I think-- we don't know what the very long-term results of this will be yet). What am I talking about?
Here's the odd thing about all this, though: I mean, historically we've always been freaky, us humans, but... well, with the multiplied opportunity, comes a multiplied lifetime partner's number.
@intelliguy isn't it a shit state of affairs that you consider "lost their job" such a negative? I mean, yeah, you might have to-- what I mean is-- globally, all of us are under way too much pressure overall. 2016 is global insanity.
(1) He is 3 years old now and knows our partners a little (we have about 4 ever since he was a little baby as he gets to see them here and there) - he likes them. Last month one of them came with a giant electric lego fire truck and we all had fun playing together. It's not like we have sex in front of him... so our activities and communication is quite normal, social and kids safe when the kid is awake. If he will ever think they are more than just friends, then the only problem would be if he told this to my mom. Kids take this quite normally from what I've seen in polyamory relationships with kids involved (I know about 3 who are open to their kids about this), kids take this quite naturally. It's society who won't take it so lightly so I'm "in the closet" about this when it comes to the child's life. It's not really a topic to have with mothers of kids who are friends with my kid. It's my sexual life and shouldn't interest them or be discussed with my kid. (we are in an open relationship we are not poly)
(2) You mean, if I'm as a female get stalked by someone I dated? Happened to me a few times, but way before I met my husband. Unfortunately, it's a dating risk and exists in the dating world, not unique to open relationships in any way.