I thought you were going to say it had no insides whatsoever but had not told him, so I was almost kind of close.
My Uncle just sits junk at the road at the end of his driveway, just a piece or two at a time and before long, someone stops and takes it. Easy way to get rid of things with very little effort.
In my old flat we could put anything out on the roadside and it would be gone within half an hour. I once put a computer out with the insides all wrecked and someone took it. It was insane. I used to joke that there was nothing that wouldn't disappear.
An empty box would have been quite amusing. He would probably still have wanted it :OD
These days, with all the upcycling people do, he could put a piece of glass on the top and make it into an end table or something.
When I lived in San Antonio Texas, it was near an Air Force Base and a huge medical center university, so there were many apartment complexes all over. Students and military folks moved in and out so much, that people would sit the good stuff they were leaving behind beside the dumpsters for other folks to take. I had a full apartment, but I adopted a thing or two myself when it was better than what I had, but for real, if you had a truck, you could have furnished your whole place without spending a dime.
Oh thats a lovely idea! Perhaps he was just a crazy upcycler and that is his thing. He might even thank me for it one day... If he doesn't want to kick me!
There is a guy on here that collects stuff that is thrown out in LA I think it is. He makes a proper living out of it. Round my way there isn't so much that is dumped now that is useable as everyone is desperately trying to sell everything claiming it is pre-loved nad not just fucked :OD
He may be !... or maybe he will think of making a table out of it when it finds it is all dithered up inside.... or,,,, maybe he can put a small frig in it for his man cave....ha
I saw a few "junkers" come through back in SA, picking up many of the cast offs. I assumed they were doing the same, gathering the leftovers and then selling them at a flea market or thrift store.
I always assume they will get sold but you never know. Some people live in houses that are just stuffed to the gills with junk!!
That's true and then they have to have an intervention and next thing you know they are on a TV show. LOL
Bloody interventions, they spoil everything 🤣