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RE: The Whisky Thief

in #life6 months ago (edited)

Oh yeah, like whoever stole it is going to immediately confess if you ask them if they did it.

I know things are different in different places, but around here, if someone had whiskey at work and it got stolen, there is no way they would ask about it, since having it at work most places is cause for dismissal.

That's like calling the police to report someone stole your illegal drugs ! LOL....

Maybe that's the only way he gets through the day and it was so upsetting, because how was he going to get through that one. Not like he couldn't go buy more at lunch.... but....


Lol, I know. No takers to the confession.

Is any of us had a bottle of anything like that putting around we would be kicked out so hard we wouldn't know what hit us!!!

Apparently the poor cleaners are getting the blame. Dear oh dear!!

What a maROON ! (moron)... as Bugs Bunny would say.

Ah, bugs bunny!! You never hear it see him anymore. It seems that some toons from yesteryear just don't make the cut these days!

The younger generations have totally missed the really good stuff ! :)

They totally have. It's probably banned for having bombs in it or something 🤣

I'm sure ! I thought about that as soon as I posted it, I bet it is considered too violent these days....LOL

I think they don't give kids credit enough for knowing what is real and what is not in cartoons of those types. "They" are a bunch of maROOns !

Haha, they totally don't. They assume that their minds will be warped by it all. MaROOns indeed!!