Jeff, if the moon landing was faked -- so are you. I've never seen you in person Maybe you're an NSA plant. A Russian spy. A computer generated image. Please, sir, stick to what you know. Tell me about IOTA. Stop stirring the crazy pot for votes.
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Agreed. This crazy conspiracy shit is only hurting your image and people just can't take you serious anymore. Please do yourself a favour and stop.
This 'crazy conspiracy' shit is what TDV is known for, what many people (myself included) follow Jeff for. You call it crazy conspiracy shit, we call it reality. Tomate-o Tomarto.
The moon landing is such a touchy subject for some people (especially baby boomers), all logic flies out of the window and so does reasonable arguments and discussion.
That's the problem people fear talking about these kinds of things in fear of not being taken seriously, in fear of being called a crazy person by people who haven't spent a second researching the topic from different angles..
Stop fearing ignorant peoples opinions about you.
And that's exactly what jeff does, not fearing your opinion about him.
Jeff, myself and others give two shits about what other people thinkwell said @anarchony.
He is sticking to what he knows...that we know nothing...
He's a comic. That's about all he knows. And he makes money off of us noobs channeling his noise.
Prove to me without using ypur phone, that we live on a globe. Show me with out using one piece of technology. Because what have been known for thousands of years is that the earth is a flat morionless plain in which we stand on.the first to give an oposing side turns out to be the first masonic free mason Pythagoras. And if that sounds crazy and. Thats the best response you have to his information? Please understand that you may suffer from cognitive dissonance. Open your perspective to change.
I am open to most things. But the flat earth theory has a bunch of holes in it, and doesn't make sense. I think the problem with some conspiracy theorists, is that they say and think they are awake and open, but are actually very closed and irrational. I understand why people question the government when they have lied about stuff, but some of these other theories are just crazy. You guys just follow these leaders like Alex Jones or Jeff and accept anything they say.
i knew about the flat earth a year before i knew who ether one of them was. look at it this way, if you trust your government program nasa so much, show me that we live on a globe without using your phone or google, just try for one minute to fnd actul footage of peopl in space. or a real pictre of earth, you will not find it
The fact that you ask questions shows me that you not only do you have curiosity yourself. Your senses tell you that there is more to this than you expected. And FIRST off. @baah none depends on the heliocentric model, its completely science fiction. There is no real footage of the solar system. Check for yourself. Pilots have a artificial horizon that they ise to level the plane. Just check for yourself again and you will find that its completely mechanical. No computer no scientific equations. Just physics. Please educate yourself past your thrid grade public school education before you troll people
Its pretty sad that you still have yet to do any actual research you still sit here and troll? Hrow up my friend. And find peace within yourself because obviously you need more answers than i ^^ enjoy your closed. Mind and all the friends you must keep within you ^^
Wow anarchan. You must live were there are no mountains, oceans, airplanes, telescopes etc. Cognitive dissonance is meaningless tripe in this vein. We "round worlders" and "Moon Landing Lovers" are consistent in our observations, found evidence -- that some few humans on this thread are operating without the necessary cognitive abilities. It's okay, we have pills for that.
(This is Berwick Comedy, to pull your types into the light -- expose you. You and all the rest of these wing-nuts have been duped. At least I hope this is comedy, because if not, my estimation of Berwick's reasoning powers has just been dealt a mortal blow.)
like i said prove to me that we live on a globe without your phone or google. i have over 100 ways to prove that the earth is not a spinning globe. that whole model was created by satanic free masons,,,,, so you do the research. stop being such a mouth breathing sheep and find out that our "government program nasa, is full of shit... and ive taken picture in a plane at 33,378 feet and the horizon was eye level and a flat as a level lol. you are very small minded my friend. do some actual research before you start trolling
You need to take your show on the road. Bring astronauts and scream at them when they object. Just call all of them liars. Ask them if they took cell phones to the moon. Tell NASA that they are nuts. Then go back to your conspiracy theories. Hide behind the trees looking for the naughty Satanic Free Masons.
OK. Buy good analog camera (no chips, no software, no tricks from NASA). Please go to the country that is on southern hemisphere (at least in my world) and take two pictures of night sky. One normal and second with long exposure (to see tracks of stars made by globe spinning). Then next day go to the country on north hemisphere and repeat this. Do the same 6 months later. Develop and print the pictures. Tell me what do you see and how does it match to flat earth theory.
Thank you. :-)
I'm pretty sure jeff is being serious. I mean what indicators did jeff give to make you think he was joking?
I think Jeff is a lot smarter than you think. This is show business, guy. Pull in the wackos, let them piss off the reasonable people then sit back and collect the money. He's just a guy with the gift of gab.
Are you actually suggesting the world is flat?
check out my blog. i have a pefect intro to this information, trust me. i used to think that we lived on a globe. untill i questioned nasa for 5 minute.... then you will see just how far the rabbit hole goes. but dont be like @jakeshorebird he is a mindless troll. actually accept new information and study it before making extreme judgement calls. this could make your life all that you want and more.
Have you seen the phases of the moon around 9:30 when both sun and moon are about the horizon. If the phases of the moon are caused by the shadow of earth cast upon the surface of the moon.... tell me how that possible? Go make some real observations with your own senses. The sun and moon are their own source of light. And also if you look at the crescent moon or half moon around sunrise you can see stars thru the "dark part of the moon" the moon provides its own light. Just check for yourself. Look at all the countries that have flags with a moon and stars in the middle. Truth in plain sight