Think about what you really know for sure. It's not much.
We know we were born here. And we know that we have been put in indoctrination camps, fluoridated, vaccinated and inundated with propaganda. We are extorted constantly and when we stand up to the extortion we are kidnapped and put in rape camps.
While in the 12 years of indoctrination they tell us stuff about how things work and what happened before we were born. Why would we believe any of it considering its information from our captors?
Many people, however, believe it all. Just like many North Koreans actually believe Lil' Kim is a god and that North Korea is the greatest country in the world... so do many Americans, who believe the US government is a god and that it is the greatest country in the world.
And they believe ridiculous stories carted out to them just like the people in North Korea do. In the US many people actually believe the government went to the moon numerous times nearly 50 years ago and played golf and drove around in a dune buggy just because they "saw" it on the television programming!
In today's "walk n' talk" I discuss how ridiculous the notion of a moon landing 50 years ago is.
Watch out in the comments section below. Numerous brainwashed slaves will be furious that I question their religion of NASA. Many of them will actually be wearing Star Trek and Star Wars t-shirts as they type and won't even notice how, if they really knew for sure that NASA went to the moon, that they'd never get angry by someone saying they didn't.
Anyway, let me step out of the way now and let the zombified scientism cult followers lose their minds in the comments. Take notes, like watching zoo animals, of the response of deeply brainwashed cult members clinging to an impossible belief.

Same with computers.
They aren't real. You think that humans can build the things you're typing on now?
Computers are an evolved animal. That's why we can't build them ourselves, or understand how they work, besides the most obvious aspects, like "Cats have ears" and "computers have hard drives."
What are you talking about?
Satire. It's just satire.
Comment deleted because it is being used by conspiracy nutjobs out of context.
Look up. Yeah, waaaaaay up there.
Over your head, my friend. Way over your head.
Oh, yeah, my bad. I thought I was replying to the person claiming the flag couldn't wave on the moon, despite the video showing what a flag does in a vacuum. Crossed my wires a bit. Lyfo got me in a tizzy arguing there have been no atomic detonations.
I'll just leave my mistake there for now.
...I should really stay out of these type of posts.
The moon landing happened. Yeah.
I feel like there's some horrible force lying to people, telling them the Earth is flat, or that the moon landing was fake. What is even wrong with this world?
Has everyone gone insane?
Or has it always been this way?
It seems to me that otherwise (potentially) reasonable people may learn about certain facts that seem outrageous. For example, I'd say our modern (US) monetary/debt system is just straight bonkers, which Jeff Berwick has correctly pointed out. For some, that gives him a degree of credibility.
They then just apply the fallacy that if someone has lied (particularly, about something large and important, and with a regular, concentrated campaign of disinformation) that everything they say must be a lie, no matter how ludicrous.
I don't know who or what to believe anymore, so I am a perpetual skeptic. I've noticed this really seems to annoy people, if you ask a question, it is often taken as personal attack.
Yeah, I wrote my essay "If not by state, then by church," and I noticed it could have annoyed a few people.
It's one of those things that a skeptic sees as obvious, but to a person who will end up actually falling for "the church," they will never see it or understand what I mean.
stop sucking from nasa teet and actull research flat earth, nasa is a government program... any true anarchist will see the possibility that nasa has been lying to us.... stop being a troll and research
tickitten is probably an AI bot. Clever girl - just before the Raptor pounces.
Jeff, if the moon landing was faked -- so are you. I've never seen you in person Maybe you're an NSA plant. A Russian spy. A computer generated image. Please, sir, stick to what you know. Tell me about IOTA. Stop stirring the crazy pot for votes.
Agreed. This crazy conspiracy shit is only hurting your image and people just can't take you serious anymore. Please do yourself a favour and stop.
This 'crazy conspiracy' shit is what TDV is known for, what many people (myself included) follow Jeff for. You call it crazy conspiracy shit, we call it reality. Tomate-o Tomarto.
The moon landing is such a touchy subject for some people (especially baby boomers), all logic flies out of the window and so does reasonable arguments and discussion.
That's the problem people fear talking about these kinds of things in fear of not being taken seriously, in fear of being called a crazy person by people who haven't spent a second researching the topic from different angles..
Stop fearing ignorant peoples opinions about you.
And that's exactly what jeff does, not fearing your opinion about him.
Jeff, myself and others give two shits about what other people thinkwell said @anarchony.
He is sticking to what he knows...that we know nothing...
He's a comic. That's about all he knows. And he makes money off of us noobs channeling his noise.
Prove to me without using ypur phone, that we live on a globe. Show me with out using one piece of technology. Because what have been known for thousands of years is that the earth is a flat morionless plain in which we stand on.the first to give an oposing side turns out to be the first masonic free mason Pythagoras. And if that sounds crazy and. Thats the best response you have to his information? Please understand that you may suffer from cognitive dissonance. Open your perspective to change.
I am open to most things. But the flat earth theory has a bunch of holes in it, and doesn't make sense. I think the problem with some conspiracy theorists, is that they say and think they are awake and open, but are actually very closed and irrational. I understand why people question the government when they have lied about stuff, but some of these other theories are just crazy. You guys just follow these leaders like Alex Jones or Jeff and accept anything they say.
i knew about the flat earth a year before i knew who ether one of them was. look at it this way, if you trust your government program nasa so much, show me that we live on a globe without using your phone or google, just try for one minute to fnd actul footage of peopl in space. or a real pictre of earth, you will not find it
The fact that you ask questions shows me that you not only do you have curiosity yourself. Your senses tell you that there is more to this than you expected. And FIRST off. @baah none depends on the heliocentric model, its completely science fiction. There is no real footage of the solar system. Check for yourself. Pilots have a artificial horizon that they ise to level the plane. Just check for yourself again and you will find that its completely mechanical. No computer no scientific equations. Just physics. Please educate yourself past your thrid grade public school education before you troll people
Wow anarchan. You must live were there are no mountains, oceans, airplanes, telescopes etc. Cognitive dissonance is meaningless tripe in this vein. We "round worlders" and "Moon Landing Lovers" are consistent in our observations, found evidence -- that some few humans on this thread are operating without the necessary cognitive abilities. It's okay, we have pills for that.
(This is Berwick Comedy, to pull your types into the light -- expose you. You and all the rest of these wing-nuts have been duped. At least I hope this is comedy, because if not, my estimation of Berwick's reasoning powers has just been dealt a mortal blow.)
like i said prove to me that we live on a globe without your phone or google. i have over 100 ways to prove that the earth is not a spinning globe. that whole model was created by satanic free masons,,,,, so you do the research. stop being such a mouth breathing sheep and find out that our "government program nasa, is full of shit... and ive taken picture in a plane at 33,378 feet and the horizon was eye level and a flat as a level lol. you are very small minded my friend. do some actual research before you start trolling
You need to take your show on the road. Bring astronauts and scream at them when they object. Just call all of them liars. Ask them if they took cell phones to the moon. Tell NASA that they are nuts. Then go back to your conspiracy theories. Hide behind the trees looking for the naughty Satanic Free Masons.
OK. Buy good analog camera (no chips, no software, no tricks from NASA). Please go to the country that is on southern hemisphere (at least in my world) and take two pictures of night sky. One normal and second with long exposure (to see tracks of stars made by globe spinning). Then next day go to the country on north hemisphere and repeat this. Do the same 6 months later. Develop and print the pictures. Tell me what do you see and how does it match to flat earth theory.
Thank you. :-)
I'm pretty sure jeff is being serious. I mean what indicators did jeff give to make you think he was joking?
I think Jeff is a lot smarter than you think. This is show business, guy. Pull in the wackos, let them piss off the reasonable people then sit back and collect the money. He's just a guy with the gift of gab.
Are you actually suggesting the world is flat?
check out my blog. i have a pefect intro to this information, trust me. i used to think that we lived on a globe. untill i questioned nasa for 5 minute.... then you will see just how far the rabbit hole goes. but dont be like @jakeshorebird he is a mindless troll. actually accept new information and study it before making extreme judgement calls. this could make your life all that you want and more.
Have you seen the phases of the moon around 9:30 when both sun and moon are about the horizon. If the phases of the moon are caused by the shadow of earth cast upon the surface of the moon.... tell me how that possible? Go make some real observations with your own senses. The sun and moon are their own source of light. And also if you look at the crescent moon or half moon around sunrise you can see stars thru the "dark part of the moon" the moon provides its own light. Just check for yourself. Look at all the countries that have flags with a moon and stars in the middle. Truth in plain sight
My father was in the Air Force at the time of the Apollo missions. He told me one day during conversation about how the "higher ups" used to joke about the moon landings. According to him we never actually made it to the moon but the attempts were real.
Thanks for sharing :)
I totally agree with you Jeff. So the US landed on the moon in 1969 but no one else has done it since? Yeah right... Complete hoax!!!
You don't get out much, huh? Of course we landed men on the moon since then, and vehicles on Mars... and so have other countries. There is no reason to return to the moon now. We have sent probes to other planets and are preparing soon to land on an asteroid. You are being reversed brainwashed by conspiracy theorists.
There are actually plans on landing there again soon with the private space programs.
Yes, we did, and nope no one else has made it since. You know, with a strong telescope and a clear night you can actually see the tracks we made on the moon. This photo is not mine, but I have used a telescope and seen them with my own eyes.

Even if there is a flag and a telescope how do we know it is the flag and telescope from the moon landing in 1969? We don't really know unless we were there...right? How do we even know the moon is the fucking moon....Our perception of EVERYTHING has been guided since birth to believe whatever we are told by whoever- who was told by someone else...
It's really a chunck of cheese like you see when you watch your cartoons while living in your parents basement.
LOL i am a home owner thank you...
How do "we" know you're really real or that I'm really real. Perhaps we are two government programmed troll bots replying to each others comments. That's totally unreal dude!!!!
You don't know, maybe I am a gov't troll under the Key Bridge in WA DC...LOL...
Beyond stupid ...
I am a college graduate and mother of 6 thank you....
I don't need credentials for "not stupid"...
What is?- The moon landing? -The theory that it was fake? -Me? -you? That's a pretty vague comment...
I have learned from others, yes. But also found a few things out myself. As i said above, i have used a telescope to see these marks. Let say they are not ours, whos then, and then humans still went to the moon.
If you can see it with a telescope then I am pretty sure that counts as hard proof my friend!
It is sufficient proof for you, not for everyone ... The flag could have been put there at any time, have you been watching the flag through your telescope since 1969? Not trying to be rude here, just looking past the facade....
Hello, my name is Urma and I am Baah's caretaker.
I think it's great that my little baah baah black sheep has learned so much about this topic, however there is something that you should know.
Baah was injured with autism after receiving the Varicella vaccine and as such struggles when he wants to interact with people.
Please remember this when speaking to him, as he is my little randy dandy boyo.
I am sorry to hear that happened. I am not a fan of vaccines... but Baah seems have more intelligence than the average person I talk to so he is blessed in many ways... I wish you the best...
I am a little late in the response here, but I will reply anyway:
Surely it would seem more likely that the flag was put there as the traditional explanation goes, in the 60s, and it would seem less likely that the govt lied about putting it there in the 60s but then realised they had to get a flag there afterwards so sent up a new secret mission? And all the while the astronomers be it professional or amateur who observed the site at the time didn't notice this strange new flag pop up some time after the 60s?
I mean I guess it is possible that they sent up an unmanned mission instead of a manned mission at the time they said they did, but if you're already going to such an expense why not just put some people inside and call it a day lol.
I get that the govt lies about many things (eg NSA etc) but it seems that this would be a pretty trivial thing to lie about, at least for such a sustained period of time.
I don't need sufficient proof, I could give a shit less whether we ever went there of not...LMAO
...You serious dude? The U.S.S.R did it when they were still a thing, and China has also landed on the moon.
Stick to what you know, which is apparently nothing. You can prove we've been to the moon in 5 fucking seconds. Let john1981 do it for you.
It is sad how blindly people believe the things they see on tv and on the Internet. A professor of mine shared a thought on facebook recently - "there is so much information about everything on the internet but you need knowledge to consume it properly and separate the bushit". I think it kind of fits the topic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, nice to see another "rebel" questioning things. :)
And so, you don't think this post is the 'bullshit' you were warned about?
Well this post is a bit more about how people are manupulated to believe in certain things rather than just "is the first step on the moon fake or not". We all know the speculations about it and everyone ia free to believe whatever they like. I do believe that it is quite possible
Well I'm sceptical of your scepticism
this is exactly the bullshit you're warning people about.
The scary thing about facebook is what is learned about people, and not by what they tell us. I had access to a DEA database for almost two years and it is crazy what all information has been compiled on people.
how'd you get access to that??
I was assigned to a county wide narcotics task force. That was 4 years ago, no telling what information is available now. Before people start muting/down voting me and crap remember that I am on an anarchist blog post and honestly participating. Not all cops are bad.
Hey I agree people are people there are good and bad in every group...
By who's principle? and who says what action was the one that "made people go homeless"? More than just taxes lead people to homelessness... I don't agree with taxes in general either way... but there can be good people doing shitty jobs to avoid being homeless...
I've come to the same conclusion and I believe there are no atomic bombs either. Look into it, meditate on it, grasp it. There are strict barriers to doing any serious research (or journalism) on either matter. Dave McGowen wrote the great circumstantial case for how the "moon landing" was faked and why.
In a feudal society with mass communications beliefs can be manipulated, well, beyond belief.
Jesus Christ, are you daft? You must not know any science. You can prove nuclear tests happened at your own fucking house.
Yeah, you can go to the test sites and use a Geiger counter and even see the glass formed from the heat in the desert sand. People for some reason love to believe that the govt systematically lies to them about such fundamental things, particularly when the seem to have no reason to lie about it!
What do you mean "there was no atomic bombs". How would they be able to keep that secret? How was the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed without them? Just curious, have not heard that claim before.
Google it, you'll be surprised!
Earth is flat.
It actually is though....
I think the Apollo missions were faked but low earth orbit and satellites are real.
FF to 3:00
You have to be totally mind-fucked to think that video is real footage of a spaceship taking off.
You don't know much about physics, gravity, thrust or much else, do you?
By today's standards I consider it bad special effects.
Hi Jeff, interesting video. I think they did go to the Moon, however you make a very interesting point about being a distraction from Vietnam, which it probably was. Technically they did have the technology but it was primitive by today's standards.
whether or not the moon landing happened, I don't think it did, it doesn't matter, I support jeff, it's about questioning everything you've ever been told or lead to assume as truth.
He is here trying to get people to wake up, it's irrelevant if you disagree with the details of that mission.
Of course it was fake - we can barely get someone in orbit around the earth in 2017 - how they were supposed to have got someone all the way to the moon and back in 1969 beggars belief - ridiculous! The trouble is you are going to have a very hard time convincing all those bleating sheep out there otherwise - good luck my friend...
Jeff is obviously saving the best for last! Once you go flat you don't go back!
Step 1: You tell them the moon landings were fake.
Step 2: You tell them the earth is a flat realm.
Step 3: You get attacked by a horde of angry brainwashed globetard trolls!
Curvature can be easily verified. Not that it matters for me, I'm not involved in anything where I have to take into consideration the shape of our planet. But I can't let this psyop meme be pushed unchallenged.
You need to get your eyes checked if you think there's curvature! Earth is flat. We don't live on a planet!
Wonder why we never went back with all this new technology... makes ya think.
The government always lied to the people.
Anarchist for life 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
We went as a publicity stunt for the Cold War.
It was a fear technique more so than a science and learning experiment.
Without the cold war, without the fear, there was no reason to pour money into NASA anymore. Despite the advances in technology created by braving the extremes of space.
They should just do another green screen mission, there is a low cost for that. People on youtube do it for a few hundred bucks lol
Can you think of a good reason to go back? I can't. There are new frontiers that need exploring.
If you don't think there is a market for people who would pay to go to the moon, you don't know people very well.
Doubt anyone apart from multi billionaires could afford to go to the moon.
So why haven't they gone? Seems like at least the military would be interested.
No clue
Sure, there might be... but by private sector travel. The govm't is not in the space tourism business.
The price is several billion dollars. Who would pay for that?
Wow, report it since you disagree, ancap47
They didn't seem to explore much...played some golf and hopped around...
Question everything! There is no doubt it was all fake, but what will really boggel the mind is why they lied to begin with...
Question everything within reason.
There is plenty of evidence that the moon landing was real.
Doubt? By who? A handful of conspiracy theorists? lol
Here a TV show on the topic with professional experts, who don't doubt the moon landings, in their respective fields that are asked to comment on technical details.
Total can tell that the moon landing was fake. There is way too much evidence against it. Just like so many other events in our lifetime. People today are so blind to what is truly going on around us.
I do not need to agree 100% to KNOW that it is not beyond the capabilities of "politicians" to lie about accomplishments, especially when it was a Space Race with communism and the USSR. JFK, who promised the moon visit was long dead, and those that killed him could certainly use the political capital gained by a PR stunt such as this. I do not waste my time tracking down all conspiracies, but I can file this one in the "possible" category, because it is certainly something TPTB would do, and for LOTS of "reasons"...
The biggest out-take from Jeff's video, is that MOST OF THIS STUFF, whether True or False, JUST DOESN'T MATTER! It's all propaganda to distract us from the REAL EVENTS, like the takeover of this great nation by the international Bank$ter$!
NASA definitely staged what we saw as the moon landing.
There is too much evidence of it.
The films look like cheesy B rated movies now. Especially if you know what errors to look for.
Did we go to the moon? Probably. There is too much evidence that we did. But what we found up there is under the tightest security.
Notice how astronauts react when asked to swear on the bible
But, we shouldn't expect any different from an organization that was started by a dark occultist. (Occult, meaning to hide, to obscure.)
So much evidence that you cant show any.
What are you going on about? Have you investigated at all?
Things like a mirror that we bounce lazers off of to determine atmospheric light scattering.
One of the most striking is the art of a certain astronaut.
The US also has flying saucers. And the moon isn't what we are told.
Read Richard Hoagland https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1360067.Dark_Mission and you will understand more of what I talk about.
(I see now why you didn't know, all of the search engines burried Richard Hoagland. The most prolific writer on space conspiracies, and never once came up under a generic search)
Asked for evidence and you went crazy. :D Says a enough about you.
Your replies are missing context.
So, to me, they are ambiguous. I have no clue what you are trying to say.
I think that you are trying to go off on a piece that Mr Berwick said, about how the astronauts react harshly to criticism. But this is assuming that there is not a great deal to hide, or that at any moment they may attempt suicide.
So, you attack with a "show the evidence"... If we actually met, I could literally bury you in evidence, both for and against. Then I could bury you even further with books that are not in the dichotomous camp of did we or didn't we.
If we actually want to start a discussion, we would first need to talk about which piles of evidences we need want to discuss. So that we are on the same page. That anyone might state that there is no evidence hasn't even looked.
Hang on, so you think we put humans on the moon, but NASA didn't show us the real footage??
If the reason you had to get to the moon first was to get to the ruins first, would you show footage of it?
If you knew what the earth and moon really were, and your entire mission was occulting, would you show any real footage?
Things like, you can't see stars in space. If shown to be true, what does that do to every science book?
NASA constantly hides things. They have never, not once that I am aware of, given straight feed from any of their space ships or satellites.
Many say this is because of UFOs that visit them all the time. (or fly by) And others, its because of what is really there: Richard Hoagland https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1360067.Dark_Mission
Many many NASA photos are known to be fake. NASA is known to reuse old photos as new photos. NASA is known to lose photos. NASA is known to deny that they created a photo, when many say they did.
NASA a group that does such secret work, that they had to be a public company so that they are never under the freedom of information act.
Of course the moon landings were faked. I love how the trolls roll out "ruins" and "flat earth" everytime someone has his head straight enough to question the moon landings.
I just love how simpletons finally see enough evidence to say the moon landing footage was hoaxed, and then can't believe anything deeper or stranger happened. I love it because once the door is opened a little, they get more and more evidence. And soon, they will be like me, knowing everything I was taught in school is wrong. Everything! All of it.
I agree Jeff. We didn't even have colour TVs back then. And we're meant to believe we somehow navigated to the moon (with enough fuel for that crazy long journey), touched down, took selfies and bounced around and got back in the shuttle and set course for earth again! Crazy talk!
A lot of circumstantial evidence out there that the moon landing was faked and not refuted. There is a deafening silence which is very telling.
this was in plain sight still well hidden. Kubricks hidden messages in shining.
This is fucking nonsense. That carpet looks nothing like a launch pad. These are crazies who are looking for any peg to fit in the hole in their brain, regardless of whether it fits.
IMO it was Kubrick trying intentionally to fuck with the moon conspiracy people... none of the shots in any of his movies are by accident. (although the carpet could be going a little too far)
After all why would Kubrick try to inform the public in a way that is obvious to people who already know about it (ie the moon faking authorities who on seeing this movie would immediately understand its message and reprimand him) whilst simultaneously be difficult for those who are skeptical about it to get the message?? if he wanted to reveal his cooperation in some faking exercise why not just come out and say it?
My understanding is he was notorious for...let's call it eccentricity. He may have enjoyed messing with people purely for its own reward.
2001 and Full Meta Jacket are both awesome though. I could do without A Clockwork Orange.
@Jeffberwick Hi brother. You may not ever get around to reading or seeing this. But I want to say, you have what I believe to be a very beautiful message to share, and from what I see have an ability to really critically analyze what is going on in our dominant system.
However, I believe you know as I do that separation is the root of our problems; this (us vs them) mentality that is causing so much conflict, war, terror and hate. (satanic, is the word you use). I believe your message would be much better received and could even aid in curing this divide if you didn't use words like "idiot", "brainwashed" and mocking people who are more entrenched in systemic beliefs. I know if I felt I was being mocked I would be much less likely to truly hear the message.
I wanted to share with you as I am also trying to create a more beautiful world as I believe you are striving for! I say this approach of alienating certain people and causing divide has never been successful in healing separation. It only causes more contention.
Maybe this post was designed to spark interest; and since it is contention that gains the most support on these platforms, that may be the motive here. It has never been a popular sentiment to truly love each other and see each-other as part of the same. Much easier to 'pick sides' and revert back to our tribe, warfare mentality. (talking about some of our programming).
Again, I believe you have a powerful message to share, and that if you chose to adopt your approach you may have posts filled with more love and willingness to create a more beautiful world opposed to contention and conflict!
I appreciate your views. :)
I was also supposed to write a similar message.
sorry for using your photo ^_^
This is one of the sanest things in this thread.
If you really believe not only that the moon landing was a hoax, but all space travel is faked, then the next step in your enlightenment is flat earth (next video?), and then you are gonna lose a lot of people. Unless this is just for the views.
Anarchast w/ Eric Dubay:
I don't know Jeff, I usually take a lot of contrarian views with a grain of salt.
It just seems that you're stirring the pot without adding much to the conversation.
If you break things down to a simplistic logic template, such as:
Did I personally witness this, or participate in this
If not, then its all a lie
Then a lot of things become "lies" in short order. Luckily, logic and other tools can help, but if you're building an argument on the basis of not having personally vetted the events -- you're going to discount every tertiary event that has happened in human history.
For instance, I know in your videos you state often that Mexico isn't dangerous, and specifically Acapulco as a city being "safe".
Based on your logic, I haven't been there or can verify it personally, so you must be lying to me.
I could easily make the argument that since you live in a gated community away from the city center, where villas rent for easily $800 USD a day or more that your viewpoint is flawed.
Again, you can believe what you'd like, but given the method you use to arrive at your conclusions - most of what exists would instantly be fake or a "lie" to you.
That just doesn't make much sense to me.
The west have always put us in a "make belief'' situation. We don't even know what to believe anymore.
Nice post @jeffberwick
What about the retroreflectors?
Those are quite easy to set on the Moon with unmanned spacecrafts.
So you believe the gov could have EASILY set retroreflectors to the moon but not riskily land humans there? Setting them up there with automation or ground control seems like more difficult then setting them in there by humans.
No @darvi. Retroreflectors are not a complicated pieces of equipment that needs an installation at the certain location. Retroreflector is basically a “cat’s eye”, like that on your bike. It will reflect a laser beam like a mirror. You just have to land it to the surface without breaking. It’s no big deal and it doesn’t need any intelligence.
Doesnt require any intelligence. So you could do it?
So, with your intelligence and logic, it would be easier to send you to Mars to drive that “Curiosity” probe instead of sending unmanned mission, is it?
Pics from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter?
Nothing is clear on them except the arrows and text that SUGGESTS what you should see.
Thank you, there are a few there too.
They bounced laser off the moon before there were any reflectors. We can see the moon thus it must reflect light or we wouldn't be able to see it. A laser emits light that is visible on the moon's surface, thus it is reflecting light back to us.
Think about what you really know for sure. It's not much.
"We know we were born here. And we know that we have been put in indoctrination camps, fluoridated, vaccinated and inundated with propaganda. We are extorted constantly and when we stand up to the extortion we are kidnapped and put in rape camps."
Rape camps? do you have any examples of people that has been sent to a rape camp?
prisons....all prisons are "rape camps"
You can get raped by other prisoners in jail. I think that is what Jeff meant but he exaggerates and misrepresents stuff like that.
Unfortunately not just other prisoners, guards too...
Wow, glad I live in Norway
the landing was real
It is good to ask questions. Like why do we only see one side of the moon? They told us the moon is a sphere and spins like the earth. If it does spin, then should not we see the other side just by default?
Why can they not prove curvature? If the Statue of Liberty can be seen 60 miles away on a clear day, then why can people see it? According to their own laws of curvature this should not be, as the Statue of Liberty should not be seen at all, if said laws of curvature are true.
Also why would Hillary talk about, breaking the glass ceiling? Did she know about the dome? Why did Wernher Von Braun put Psalm 19:1 on his gravestone? Did he want to leave a clue about God's firmament? This brings more light to Psalm 19:1 and Hillary's talk of breaking the glass ceiling. Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? Job 37:18
The moon rotates at a speed that means we only see one side of it.
Also I just have a question if you are a flat earther. If the earth was flat wouldn't we all have the same timezone? With a sphere the curvature of the earth blocks out the sun, so at the exact same time you can have a person living in day, and a person living in night. But if the earth is flat, then why does the sun only shine in certain places and not others? Shouldn't it light up the whole earth at once?
Don't know anything about the last paragraph
The moon does not spin on an axis like the Earth does. The same side always faces the Earth.
What do you mean it doesn't spin on an axis? It does. but at a different rate to earth.
Anyway here is an excerpt of something that explains what I'm trying to say
"The moon orbits the Earth once every 27.322 days. It also takes approximately 27 days for the moon to rotate once on its axis. As a result, the moon does not seem to be spinning but appears to observers from Earth to be keeping almost perfectly still. Scientists call this sychronous rotation."
Sorta like when you angle-park your car and stop at the same moment the car beside you backs out and you freak out cause you know you've stopped your car but you think you are still somehow moving
Do you believe that the sun is 92.96 million miles from earth? If you do, can you explain the rays of the sun that flair outward from the clouds? Do your own experiment. Take a flash light and flash on your other hand just above your fingers. Notice the shadows of your fingers are spread out? Now leave your other hand at same position and raise the flash light as high as you can flashing on your fingers. Notice that the shadows of your fingers are closer together? So by this experiment you can see to make the sun rays flare as they do all the years of your life, the sun must be closer .A good mathematician can take the angles of rays and the measure of distance between 2 rays to figure the distance from earth to sun. If the sun is 92.96 million miles from the earth then yes the sun will shine on all of the earth at once. If the mathematician is true, then the sun must be much closer. Study the ying and yang and you will see how you can have night and day.
Do your handlers know you are out past curfew?
Why do you ask? Are the demons starting to feel uncomfortable?
This occurs due to the same effect as why train tracks seem to converge upon each other in the distance despite being perfectly parallel. Light rays are essentially (or near enough to to make no difference) parallel but it is the fact that as you look further into the distance, the distance between the rays takes up a lower proportion of the field of view, therefore making them seem to converge.
@bowdens you give the example perfectly. You are looking at those tracks from the tracks looking far away at the tracks, but any distance looking down at the tracks you see parallel. So from 92.96 miles away looking at the rays at a more perpendicular angle you would see the rays more parallel instead of flared out as you see them from the clouds. So since they are more flared out from a more perpendicular angle do you not agree that this is true?
The top of the cloud causes diffusion of the incoming light, thereby creating a new point from where it shines again when it breaks through a few holes and thin points at the bottom of the cloud.
Then you agree that from 92.96 million miles from earth that the rays of the sun won't flare out as they do. So the sun is actually closer to the earth than you know, right?
Dude, what the hell are you talking about with Hillary? She obviously failed in getting to the top. Glass ceiling, wtf? Is this word vomit from gender studies?
You should refill your prescription.
Yeah, I think you probably got it. I don't think most of these politicians are doing much original creative thought. If she gave a speech on it, it was written by some SJW with a gender studies degree somewhere.
Curvature has been proven over and over, and anyone can verify it themselves with a couple of miles flat surface. Just be sure to be as close to the ground as possible to be able to detect curvature in the shortest distance. 2 miles should 2 it.
Ok, prove it. Why can you see the Statue of Liberty 60 miles away on a clear day?
You won't be able to see lower part I can assure you, just as it's missing in the pic below.

which came first the chicken or the egg or the hoax?
Chicken came first, egg needs to be bred on and the chicks need parents to survive the first period. But before the chicken and the egg was the template of a chicken that would lay eggs.
Chicken came first cause eggs cant fly
None of them. It was the dumbass who denies the scientific process...
Is the Truman Show a movie? Of course it is...but it's a documentary.
Joke's on us.
You sparked a lot of conversation with this video @jeffberwick. I applaud ur videos to get peopl thinking again. So many so numb, so dumb to what's really happening around us. I look forward to seeing you in Acapulco some day soon. #redpillnation
I've never heard of a religion of NASA. I don't think that is a thing.
I just posted this about the Mars rover conspiracy! So relevent to your post: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@flexifriday/are-the-nasa-mars-rovers-really-in-an-island-in-canada
Good article flexfriday!
I don't really care either way. I just don't see the benefit of us landing on the moon other than bragging rights on the Soviet Union. But it's kind of hard to believe that NASA had less computer processing power than I have on my phone right now but were able do send people to the moon and back. Kind of unbelievable but at the end of the day it just doesn't matter to me.
If they did land on the moon the evidence would still be there on the moon surface, not too much to ask for the evidence in 2017?
Here a list of third party accounts of Moon landings. Third-party evidence for Apollo Moon landings is evidence, or analysis of evidence, about Moon landings that does not come from either NASA or the U.S. government (the first party), or the Apollo Moon landing hoax theorists (the second party).
There were just way too many people involved in these missions to keep a fake of this magnitude a secret. People just cannot keep secrets.
it's very compartmentalized. Few people would have to actually know, telemetry is very easy to fake. Especially back in the 60's
People tend to keep secrets when their career, pension or even life depends on it, either way it is an emotive topic for many.
The Russians monitored every single move the US made and still make. Their participation in the space race was genuine and they'd have been the first to scream 'fake', both then & now. They tracked the US missions there and back.
Good luck using logic with these wackjobs.
Just like they did with 9/11 ??
Why not speak out at the end of their lives?
maybe that's why the rumors been out for so long- somebody involved didn't keep it a secret...
Oh @jeffberwick... how nice it is to see you being you. There was an independent movie called Operation Avalanche. If you haven't seen it yet, it was pretty cool. It is like a fake documentary on the fake moon landing (does that even make sense?) and it is all made to look period correct. Anyway, cheers mate.
Sean @seanengman
NASA or anyone, show us a selfy wide shot of the earth, just one real selfy. No composites please. Peace.
This is one reason I became a PI. I plan to put the high quality and expensive cameras to work looking for UFO's and researching the moon's surface. Point the Hubble telescope or other high powered optic at the moon, and look at it. There's your answer.
Good idea, but it won't work. The Hubble optics aren't made to focus at a close object like Earth's Moon.
Hubble cam image 1/10 of an arcsecond (one degree is 3600 arcseconds). If Hubble was pointed t the Earth it could in theory resolve objects of 30 cm, about 1 foot. The problem is the image wouldn't be in focus and the Earth is so bright that it would permanently damage Hubble's instruments, as they are made to pick-up very faint objects.
The (sorta) good news is that there is a "Hubble Telescope" that looks at the Earth everyday. It is called the KH-11 and is a U.S. Spy satellite that has operated for over 30 years. Its telescope and cameras are much more advanced than Hubble's and it is 100% made just to look at Earth, although it optimized for a narrow view.
Good luck getting an image though. The last guy who leaked a picture of (a now old) Russian Aircraft Carrier, that was under construction went to federal prison for 16 years. This image was likely taken by a KH-8 or 9 and not the then new KH11.
Even a back yard 5K range higher quality telescope should be able to make out decent details on the surface, no? Along the lines of what I was suggesting, shouldn't there be a way to verify such things with current day tech and without using classified platforms?
No telescope from earth can see material left by the moon landings. Some space telescopes/moon satellites supposedly are able to produce images with left material showing in the images. But a couple of shiny pixels is all we've been shown.
That's weird to me. We have the tech or not?
No, at least not in place they claim, they certainly are capable of it. They would have to put a satellite in moon orbit with a high enough resolution camera. The US has some satellites in moon orbit, one with a camera, and they showed pictures of the China moon lander and Rover Jade Rabbit. The lander and rover were bright spots and you could see the tracks left by the rover and see the route it traveled. Although I wouldn't be surprised if they can do way better but they don't wanna reveal that because then the scientists and public would want access to more of that high res material. And that wouldn't suit them well.
That should be good enough to convince people then, correct? I've never understood why this has remained such a conspiracy over the years. :)
Looking forward to the results, not sure why people are so upset about this, we should never emotionally react to information. Personally I do not care either way, just an interesting subject. A new image of the 1969 mission should be of historical interest with the 50th anniversary approaching, same as the Titanic exploration.
What the kicker is, in today's world of 2017, NASA can not send people to the ISS let alone the moon! LMAO If they can't do it today with modern space technology they sure as hell weren't able to do it with 1969 technology!
Try to get yourself to the moon in Kerbal Space Program at least, before saying such a moronic statements.
Hahaha I agree! Too many people make these bold statements about not going to the moon or whatever without even a basic understanding of the science behind it!
Conspiracy theories are bussines too.
Doctors are liars, Dentists are liars, Moon Landing was fake, Cryptos are real money.
I think I understand now.
Frankly, I do believe they did go, it would have been a huge hoax involving thousands of people, what are the odds of none of them coming out to talk about it? I mean Jeff doesn't believe it , I do, neither one of us has absolute proof so the argument is moot, the truth is you can't prove it either way.
Well the moon rocks our country received as a gift from USA/NASA turned out to be petrified wood. Also the theory about the moon landings being a hoax is said to have originated from the press room at Houston during the first landing by NASA employees. Notes were handed out which stated this claim to members of the press reporting on the first Apollo landing. Not that that proves anything, but interesting.
It could have been a petrified moon tree.
"Of the 270 Apollo 11 Moon Rocks and Apollo 17 Goodwill Moon Rocks that were given to the nations of the world by the Nixon Administration, approximately 180 are currently unaccounted for. Many of the Moon rocks that are accounted for have been locked away in storage for decades. The location of the rocks has been tracked by researchers and hobbyists because of their rarity and the difficulty of obtaining more. Moon rocks have been subjects of theft and forgery as well."
Are you talking about these? We have one in Honduras, never heard anyone say it's petrified wood. Don't you think these people would have had to be incredibly stupid to give away petrified wood as a moon rock? At least give them some credit, if they came up with such a hoax it would have been much easier and realistic to break up a real rock, and give away the pebbles.
This rock we got wasn't part of the official program to give allied nations 1 gram each of moon dust/rock, which we also got. The fake rock was given to our Premier in '69 by the American ambassador. It was to good to be true, way to big, like a small fist.
So it was a gag gift?
The best point Jeff made in this video was to take care of this earth! Here is a list of those who don't find that important and it's in no particular order:
-Stephen Hawking who puts out endless sound bites about how fast we need to get off the only planet that we know of that sustains life.
-Those at The Paris Climate Conference.
-Most every economist.
-Pretty well every politician.
-Most CEO's.
-Most bankers.
-A very large percentage of celebrities.
-most climate scientists as only about 6 in thousands have made personal life changes.
-anyone who uses gasoline powered vehicles to drive more than 15 minutes to work.
-the non-stop vacationers spewing jet fuel into the atmosphere every second.
Phew! That's a pretty big list. Logical deduction would mean Climate Change is a HOAX, too!
Okay, then, that's just the short list and that's about all for now....
It is!
Next, you're going to be telling me that Trump's hair is fake!
An alcoholic might not take his alcoholism seriously and stop drinking. That doesn't mean he avoids the consequences.
the footage released that shows the guys in black sweaters moving the 'set' 'props' along with the audio of the famous scene being cut and recorded again, and the behind the scenes on how they achieved the round shape of the earth out the window by using a cardboard cut out that we see them move! I am sponging up info and not sure I can refind those links but will go look now. There is no doubt at all that it was faked. People that still believe it happened just haven't seen these clips I guess. and if you try to show it to them, they will shut down and not look lol....
I don't think we went to the moon, it's sad how much propaganda we are exposed to. Keep up the good message!
The elite have a pattern, next false flag will be july 22nd
I will mark that on my calendar.