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RE: Was The Moon Landing Fake? Of Course It Was.

in #life8 years ago

@Jeffberwick Hi brother. You may not ever get around to reading or seeing this. But I want to say, you have what I believe to be a very beautiful message to share, and from what I see have an ability to really critically analyze what is going on in our dominant system.

However, I believe you know as I do that separation is the root of our problems; this (us vs them) mentality that is causing so much conflict, war, terror and hate. (satanic, is the word you use). I believe your message would be much better received and could even aid in curing this divide if you didn't use words like "idiot", "brainwashed" and mocking people who are more entrenched in systemic beliefs. I know if I felt I was being mocked I would be much less likely to truly hear the message.

I wanted to share with you as I am also trying to create a more beautiful world as I believe you are striving for! I say this approach of alienating certain people and causing divide has never been successful in healing separation. It only causes more contention.

Maybe this post was designed to spark interest; and since it is contention that gains the most support on these platforms, that may be the motive here. It has never been a popular sentiment to truly love each other and see each-other as part of the same. Much easier to 'pick sides' and revert back to our tribe, warfare mentality. (talking about some of our programming).

Again, I believe you have a powerful message to share, and that if you chose to adopt your approach you may have posts filled with more love and willingness to create a more beautiful world opposed to contention and conflict!


I appreciate your views. :)
I was also supposed to write a similar message.