Happiness can be the cure
but it isn't easy for sure;
take one step at a time
it may not always rhyme.
Keep everything within reason
for it may not be here next season;
always try your best
and never fail to take the quest.
Happiness always seeks the inner soul
as it always takes the toll;
accept your intuition
for that is your sole mission.
don't fear to seek
as you will never be sought.
take on step at a time......
it may not always rhymeeeeee
few things bring more happines than a whale vote ^^
Ha - yea, that's always welcomed as well :)
Finding this in the local supermart

also happy.
Happiness is on the side of the one who is happy...))
Nice one @jacobt. If I may be somewhat critical but not in a negative way? The last 2 lines needs 2 more lines to make it a 4 line stanza. Maybe the last line could be something like....Hopefully your soul cannot be bought. :)
Yea, true. I honestly did that on purpose though. I felt it was more powerful. Additionally, I've never really respected poetic rules :/