Working from home - Why not?

in #life8 years ago

I have never had a problem with employees working from home. I could actually never understand why not. It seems that the world is at last adopting, especially with the Millennials now taking lead in the workforce.

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Millennials a.k.a. Gen Y is the name of the generation born between the early 80's and mid 90's with other words they are now around the age of 20-35. They will be our future leaders. According to a recent PWC Study millennials will be 50% of the global workforce by 2020.

Millennials matter because they are not only different from those that have gone before, they are also more numerous than any since the soon-to-retire Baby Boomer generation – millennials already form 25% of the workforce in the US and account for over half of the population in India. By 2020, millennials will form 50% of the global workforce.

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Why not work from home?

I can unfortunately not find an article where I read about a guy who did some research on Millennials and their opinion working from home. If I remember correctly 90% + Millennials made a point of saying flexible working hours are important and also more than 90% of the same generation said that they would prefer from home. The interesting fact was than 0% said that they don’t want to exclusively work from home.

This was a very interesting point as for me that is a very mature statement. Sure it can mean many things, but in my opinion the Millennial generation understand a fundamental fact of the way the world should operate and if the millennial generation is our future leaders, I believe that we are in for a good stint on earth.

In my opinion, everybody in the world should work together to make things work. In order to make things work, we should work towards a common goal, and most importantly we need to make sure that each and every one of us must deliver our little part of the bigger equation.

During my career, I have worked full time at an office, full time and home and also at some stages I had a mixture of working from home and working from the office. I thoroughly enjoy working from home, as it gives you a lot of flexibility to be more involved with the family and kids. This bring me to a very important point.

Flexibility to work from home, does not only mean flexibility of where you work but also flexibility of when you work . Again the most important thing to remember is that you are part of a bigger equation and you should always ensure you deliver on your promises and your part.

Retaining your best talent.

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In my opinion all organisations should consider flexible working hours. You will retain your best talent when you do. It does not matter what time somebody is at the office, or when they leave … the only thing that matters is if they are performing their required duties.

It has already started years ago, but I believe that the internet has made the world so small, that it will not matter where you live. You can stay in Africa, but still work in the US or Europe. All we need to find is a way to ensure that you employ the best person for the job, and not necessarily the closest person to your office.

I have worked in the IT industry for many years, and I thoroughly believe that good developers and IT staff should be measured on specific personality traits and not on where you were born. I have personal close friends / colleagues, which are developers in the UK, US, India, Australia and obviously from South Africa. Why do I enjoy working with them? I can summarise that in one sentence…

When they say they will deliver something, you do not have to check if they deliver, they just will. Independent of where they work and when they work.

This allows the rest of the organisation to focus on what they are supposed to focus and not have to check up every day of something was done which should've been done. I really enjoy working with the millennials.

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Happy Steeming!


I always get work done faster at home .... may be home team

If you work from home you always work...non stop...ask me I am there!

It really depends on what kind of work you have to do. But of course working from home might be more comfortable sometimes. I think the results matter, not the location.

Well said :)

Work at home is good when it is in line of your job..

Me, i dont have a job.. And im at home.. And still earning a bit

Fully agree @albertvhons, there will obviously also be careers where you can not work from home at all> Great to hear that you are still earning :)

I love working from home. In my first job, I got to work from home whenever I had a good enough reason. Basically, whenever I had to put my thinking cap on and needed a long time to concentrate, I worked from home. I'm not sure how that would be if you had kids, but being home alone, it's so much easier to get things done. I always managed to do a lot more work on those days than at the office and I still managed to also do laundry :-)

Working from home takes away so many distractions that occur in an office space. I get so much more work done when I'm not distracted by ringing phones, oversocial coworkers or stopping for lunch, not mention the lost time commuting. You're right about the laundry!

Thanks for the comment @playfulfoodie . It is a bit different with kids at home. They do not understand exactly that you are busy and will bother you at the most inconvenient times, but nothing that cannot be fixed with some rules and clear communication :)

I work mostly from home freelance online

I occasionally work from home and agree, it's a fabulous inventive to employees to give them that bit more flexibility. Contrary to naysayers I think I often do more when doing so than I can in an office full of interruptions

hi @meestterboom, I agree. Even when I did work at the office I got more work done between 06:00 and 08:00 in the morning before the masses arrived. I maybe just have the face of somebody that everybody wants to talk to the whole day :)

Them I think we are the same in that respect!!!

I had the same issue with office work, too many talkers walking around aimlessly. I kept going in earlier and earlier to actually get work done.

Such good points. I was always committed to the idea of working at home and now that I am disabled I am forcing it into reality by being my own boss!

I know things are changing and in the future I feel so many jobs will be at home. :)

Working from home is an option that just recently became feasible... the internet exists and it is faster than it ever was. Many solutions exist that make virtual workplaces possible and scalable. These solutions were not available to previous generations

I use to work from home, but the job didn't pay that well. I think if you had a job that paid well, and you had the luxury to work from home, you should take advantage of it. You have to spent less on wardrobe, save on gasoline or other commuting cost.

You do save a lot at the end of the day. Thanks for the comment

If you are sure you employed the right person it makes sense to go ahead and give them this power. Chances of it getting abused is less!

100% agree thanks for a the comment @nrajesh

Working from home, provided it is combined with flexible hours, has worked pretty well for me in the past. I find I operate way better outside of "Normal Working Hours", and tend to be a lot more productive if left to do things at my own pace.

The 9-5 grind of going in to an office, trying to focus, etc, when you know well it is not your most productive time of day, is fairly irritating, and usually pointless when your job duties are not tied to other peoples timetables in reality.

100% agree. Tx for a great comment @synapse

From my experience, and as an extremely dedicated, ambitious 'Gen X-er', when I received the opportunity to work from home (for about $24/hr), it only became an even greater opportunity to nap! I also worked much longer hours and became a house-hermit....there's just something about hopping in your Z for that Good AM commute, the experience of muddy free work coffee and the corporate cubicle.....ahhhh, maybe not!

I also struggled with that @lanceman. What I do these days is when I get up, I dress with my usual work clothes as if I am going to the office. It's like a switch :)

Ahhhh.......good idea @jacor !

nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem...

The future of work is from home. I could never understand why companies waste so much money just to have in house employees

I could also not understand that @kyriacos. Also totally agree that the future will be work from home 👍🏻

"Retaining Your Best Talent" could not be anymore true. I have been working from home nearly 7 years, many of my colleagues, who are our higher end talent have stayed with the job because they do not want to lose the working from home thing.

We work from home 95% of the time.

When they get annoyed about salary, lack of bonuses, etc. I mention jobs that are hiring paying more and the default answer always is, yeah but I don't want to have to come to the office again.

It will also lead to hours of travel time saved (giving more free time for workers), improve the environment, no exhaust gasses, reduce cost, less office space etc. So much going for working from home!!

I wish I could work from home! I wish working from home was a norm these days!
I'm an introvert, and don't really like being around people 8-9 hours a day, 5 times a week!
It seriously sucks and is uncomfortable and being micromanaged by a bipolar boss doesn't make it any better!

Yes to working from home jobs!

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I've been working from home since 2008. Here's the thing, though. I've found that in order to maximize your production level, you need to have a home office where you can actually "go to work."

If you do not create an environment for yourself that promotes work, you may find yourself slacking off, or procrastinating.

You should also let your family members know that when you are in your office, you are "at work," so they should try not to disturb you and treat it as if you were at an actual business.

When I first started my own business, I did not have a home office set up, and I found that it hindered my success. Once I was able to rent a bigger place and designate an entire room as my office, I was able to set my own hours to be "at work," and it made it so much better. I was able to enjoy being home while getting lots of work done at the same time!