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RE: I'm Looking For Some Advice

in #life7 days ago (edited)

Sorry to hear that, I guess I don't know what to do either if I'll be put in your situation. By the way, with your writing style, have you tried finding writing gigs online? There are better offer for online writers/copywriters.

About your truck, maybe you can cover it with a canvas sheet during rainy days. But now that it's always wet, the only way is to wait for the sunny day to come so you could do something for it. There are wooden houses too, but they last for long years without suffering a situation like yours.
Search on Google for a solution to do to avoid getting the same problem.

If I were to ask, I don't want to sell the truck, unless the buying price is reasonable enough to buy you guys a decent house to live. It's not a good option to rent, because income will just go to it monthly. 🥺

By the way, have you tried blogging your daily life in your truck house on Facebook and other social media platforms? There are families living in trucks and they are doing that. They are earning decent amount through blogging their daily lives on social media platforms.

I wish to have a truck for my family, to be honest, where I can travel with them using the truck. ☺️


My solar panels are on the roof of my truck, that is why I never put a canvas over the roof.
I'm not on facebook, it's never really appealed to me and I live under the radar so don't really want to share too much about my lifestyle, but thank you for your advice, I will look into the writing jobs, any advice there would be appreciated xxThank you @jane1289, I haven't looked into any online writing jobs, I won't know where to look or indeed ever thought I would be good enough so thank you for the reassurance.