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RE: Free Armadilloman Wallet from Papa-pepper!

in #life7 years ago

thank you sir @vibeof100monkeys...I see what you are saying. Well then you belong there to fight the good fight of freedom and liberty or what's left of it like here in the U.S.
Do you have many Brits who are fed up with the lies and are of the same mind as you are?


There are quite a few and its building but nowhere near enough. The problem in the UK is people are aware but kind of accept it. Our media has a very strong influence and controls the masses. You are defined but which paper you read here and well they all pump out BS but it all the same really.

We are fighting the starting of fracking currently and the media just don't report it instead they report bad things about the campaign against it. Not the MP's who have shares in it. This is the general story with the whole freedom movement. But as I say the monkeys are waking and soon that hundredth will rise! 💯🐒

thank you sir 100 monkeys..what are the MP's?
do the same people own all the newspapers?
because a few years ago I heard that George Soros owned all the
newspapers and radio stations in Europe.
thank you sir, keep fighting.

Members of Parliament (criminals)!
Rupert Murdoch owns most of the papers. The one I occasionally view is owned by some Russian. But that's on the surface so who know's. I think mainly it's Murdoch. As for radio it's mostly BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation or Broadcasting Bullshit Continuously) who are supposedly independently but funded by the government!
I intend to! From when I started twenty years ago it come on leaps and bounds 💯🐒

lol I like what BBC stands for! They actually claim that they are independent even though they are funded by the government??
I don't know what Murdoch' political views are, do you? or maybe
it doesn't matter because at that level they all play together?
thank you sir. there is still a shred of hope if more and more Brits awaken.

Look how tough and unbeatable ya'll were in WWII!
might need another Churchhill to stir things up.