Would you like to offer your body for science and to donate your organs for saving lives after death?

in #life7 years ago

Donating or offering your body for scientific experiments is common now a day most of the people do it on Halloweens or other occasions like these. There is always some positive of the negative impact of it. Some people donate their bodies to make others life right, some donate their bodies for scientific experiments to check antidotes and other medicines, most of the time bodies are given for organs, but in some other worlds bodies are used as a carriage for illegal purposes we will take a look on all of these one by one.

Organs Donation

The first to the list the organ donation. You can donate your organs to needy people who need them not to those who smuggle them and earn cash. But there is a time limit for giving your organs because when there is no blood flow in our body, and our organs began to contract that’s why we have to provide the organ in a certain amount of that then it’s useless.

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Tissue donation

After organs there comes your tissues which are a very delicate part of your body but it is beneficial in many cases like road accidents or muscle contractions. In these cases where you don’t have an external wound, you have internal tissue damage which can be very painful. But surgery is always required to repair the tissues and then that when that medicine fails there comes a tissue transplant surgery which costs very much and a body from which we can get the tissues then again period begins for the dead body if not taken out in time tissues will be of no use.

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Donate to a University

There is no better place for research facility than a university because in a school many young minds are waiting for an idea and many ideas which come together. And if they have a dead human body they can examine and can find new ways of treating and curing many diseases or bone damages or can also make prosthetics or artificial 3D printed gadgets which can be useful in many ways. Studies which take place in universities have many researchers and many minds which make it possible and most of them are 100% accurate.

Donate to Doctors to practice

Practicing on a live human is illegal in some cases where you don’t do that with permission but when you get a dead body to practice that is the main course. Most doctors are given dead bodies of humans mostly new doctors to practice their skills before practicing on live humans. By doing this doctor build self-confidence and also make their skills precise for future use. Doctors always welcome dead bodies for their juniors who can practice freely without any fear of killing someone.

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Now there were all the bullet points which can be done by donating your body to the science or for scientific experiments and to someone who is in need of that organ whose life can be saved by that. But how will you do that let’s see that:


The very first thing is to decide before you die as you have to go through some paperwork which will further be processed that if your body is eligible or not for the donation.

Organs or Whole body?

Again, you will have to make a correct decision on donation your whole body or some selected organs to the someone as sometimes your family might need your corpse for religious formalities so be sure to think what to donate.

Understand when you are not eligible for donation

Your body is unique and its essential for everyone, but there are times when you literally can’t donate your body, for example, if you are going through some disease or die from it you can’t donate your body to the science that way your body will be infected and of no use for the science.

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Be sure to discuss your decision and your family, friends and loved ones because donating your body is not your only decision after all.

Signing off

Donating your body organ to science or someone is not bad it will help to save lives and you will be doing good thing for humanity.

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My friend died when he was 25, his organs were donated and a few people have his organs still to this day. Thanks for bringing to light an important topic.

I plan to donate my organs, don't see why not. Having the opportunity to mean something for others, even after im dead, is a wonderful thing.

I would agree except for my brain. That one must die. I wouldn't want someone trying to bring it/(me) back to life and become a guinea pig.

Laughing out loud 😂😂😂😂
Worst of it all a vulture
Lovely comment here indeed

Big question you came up with here, but really important! Resteemed your article, if you don't mind!
I think this topic can't be separated from the question of religion. If there is still a small believe in life or something similar after death, it changes everything. Also good point you brought, including the family in the decision, as they are those who stay and handle the situation
pretty amazing one donor can say 8 lives!
Thanks for your article! :)

Honestly, I can't think of any reason not to donate my body after death. If I die, I won't need it anyway.

I would like to sacrifice my body for the sake of science. Only the problem lies in the level of medicine of my state. If I am waiting for an ambulance for 2-2.5 hours, then what kind of preservation of the limbs after death can be a speech

I could donate my body to science fiction

This post has received gratitude of 0.86 % from @appreciator thanks to: @jasimg.

This post has received a 38.59 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @jasimg.

I would like to donate my tattooed covered skin to a museum, my skeleton to my son, and science can have my insides :-) All about it.

Please i would like to know how long tissues and organ can survive before they are no longer viable

@jasimg thanks for an educative post as such...
Of what virtuous gain is it to donate my body to science though it has a positive of the negative impact in it..
I'd love to donate my organs to save life's and you could never tell if you are saving the life of a less privileged fellow and as you've said in the last sentence of you post that it also goes a long way in doing good for humanity...

good !!

I am willing to donate my only if I'm dead. Especially for the greater good and the future of science which will lead to the discoveries of medecine for those ailments that has no cure until now :)

I would offer some vital organ to donate it.
If I can help humanity before I die, it would be wonderful.

It's a good idea. If everyone donates an organ humanity will be healthy and more people would live longer.

great post, thanks for sharing

i think the decision of most people will be depending on whom they will donate to because the truth is that anyone will donate to a close person and they will do it for another reason only for a revenue to their families they are leaving
it is sad but also not wrong
only very few can do it and expect nothing back

I think we should donate first of all blood, hair and bone marrow. We can help in this manner while we are alive. And of course donate organs after death, what should a dead man do with his body?

I'm a regular blood donor and checked the organ donor box on my drivers license and carry papers to the like in my wallet. The question is why aren't you? Yeah you. And you too. Yeah and you too. What your excuse? You afraid you might need them when your dead and gone? Get real. Donate Today!

Value added writeup.. The essence is you get to live even after Death...
Great work