Ok man, great post. I think you pulled together a lot of well-positioned information. I was working long and hard on a great comment(in my mind) and then I clicked outside of the popup and poof it disappeared. sigh. It was actually getting to a "post" size comment anyhow... so, I made a post out of it. Hope that's ok.
Here's my post - it's the other side of the argument :-) - Response to Did We Really Land On The Moon?
Long and short of it is that I don't think that it was faked.
Awesome! I inspired someone!!! YAY. I'm going to have to check out your post.
I hope we went to the moon, but I have doubt that I never had before. Thanks for your reply. I'll check out your post.
Ok, cool. I hope I can help with the different information and data. In the end it's each individuals opinion which we are all 100% entitled to :-) I do like to debate and engage in these topics. I think as long as everyone can say their piece is all that counts.