Did We Really Land On The Moon?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Conspiracy Time!!! In today's conspiracy talk, we're going to take a look at the Apollo missions and see if man landed on the moon or was it all a big hoax? 

First lets start with the official story.

  • On September 12, 1962 president Kennedy challenged America to send a man to the moon and bring him back by the end of the decade. 
  • July 16th, 1969 the Apollo 11 mission sent three men into space and two landed on the moon and all three came back safely.
  • Overall six different moon landings in the span of three years.

We've all seen the video...

But some people still claim that we never went to the moon, because it was technically impossible. Let's see what they're talking about.  I decided to look into it, and came up with a few startling  facts.

First there is the Van Allen Radiation Belts...

There are several radiation belts that surround our Earth that astronauts would have to fly threw, twice, to go to the moon and back. The amount of radiation in these bands would kill humans quickly.

Second is the distance. 

The moon is over 230,000 miles away. All recent space missions stayed within 400 miles of Earth. The mission took days to get to the moon, and somehow they were able to make a phone call and send live pictures back to Earth. Incredible amount of battery power... why can't Tesla use those batteries in their cars?

Watch this video with the live call to president Nixon.

The third thing is the most confusing... Life after NASA for the astronauts.

The astronauts that first landed on the moon held a press conference where they look like they are talking about a mutual friend that just died. They don't look like the national heroes the media was making them out to be. 

This is the strangest thing to me. Look how they respond to questions after just landing on moon.

They do not look like they want to be there, and Neil Armstrong is incredibly careful with his words. Neil was a huge celebrity, but did almost no interviews after his time at NASA. I find that very interesting.

Another thing I think is interesting is the fact that all the missions happened under one president in the span of 3 years. Nixon was the president for all of the moon landings. I find that very shady. You know Nixon right... this guy...

But if we went to the moon, where is all the data to show us how to do it again?

Well, the data is missing and NASA admits it. Watch this...


This is a tough one... there is no real explanation on how the Apollo missions got through the Van Allen radiation belts, the almost ashamed looking astronauts at the press conference and NASA doesn't even have the data evidence  anymore. It is something that we have not been able to repeat. It will be 50 years next year and we still can't repeat what was done without modern technology and computers. 

I don't know... could the government fake something like this? I mean, all those people at NASA were just building one aspect of the ship or watching one screen, so most people that worked there wouldn't even know. 

I'm no expert and I can't say we did or didn't, but I have some doubts. I admit that. It also brings me to this final question...

Would fooling the world we landed on the moon be a greater achievement than actually landing on the moon?

Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


The interviews with the astronauts are really interesting! I wasn't aware of them. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah I agree. very weird. You would think they would be happy. Thanks for the read and reply.

Ok man, great post. I think you pulled together a lot of well-positioned information. I was working long and hard on a great comment(in my mind) and then I clicked outside of the popup and poof it disappeared. sigh. It was actually getting to a "post" size comment anyhow... so, I made a post out of it. Hope that's ok.

Here's my post - it's the other side of the argument :-) - Response to Did We Really Land On The Moon?

Long and short of it is that I don't think that it was faked.

Awesome! I inspired someone!!! YAY. I'm going to have to check out your post.
I hope we went to the moon, but I have doubt that I never had before. Thanks for your reply. I'll check out your post.

Ok, cool. I hope I can help with the different information and data. In the end it's each individuals opinion which we are all 100% entitled to :-) I do like to debate and engage in these topics. I think as long as everyone can say their piece is all that counts.

NASA lies to us about just about everything. If you haven't looked into it yet, be ready to challenge your entire understanding of "outer space" because almost everything you've learned about it has been from NASA. Here's a funny look at the Moon Buggy.

NASA has been known to lie, but to pull of a hoax like this would take more than just NASA. Who knows, butthat is a great picture of the moon rover.

I don't believe they were faked. While the US had lots of incentive to beat the Russians at all costs (and Nixon wasn't exactly the paragon of truthfulness) I find it hard to believe that the Soviets would just accept that it happened without evidence. The Ruskies had the tech at the time to prove that the American claims were false if they were, and they would have screamed blue murder if they couldn't see landing ships and moon rovers through their telescopes.

There's the joke that goes: It is 100% correct that Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landings. It's just that he was a perfectionist and insisted on filming on location.

I guess the only way to lay this conspiracy theory to rest is if a crowdfunded, independent team gets a probe up there and has a fly around the landing site with the abandoned equipment sitting there.

lol, great joke about Kubrick. I agree with you and Russia. Why wouldn't they tell the world, or expose things like 9/11 if it was an inside job. What advantage does Russia or China have to not rat out NASA. That bothers me too. The only thing I came up with... Russia saw how much money the people would allow for a space program and told their people the same lie? Who knows? I would love a crowdfunded moon probe, but that would take a ton of money. lol Thanks for the great reply.

Exactly. The Russians and the Chinese would love to be able to expose the US cover ups if they could. It would add so much ammunition to their propaganda and PR campaigns aimed at their own citizens and the rest of the world. Proving the landings were fake would be a massive PR coup for either of them. I wouldn't be surprised if there were programs by both governments to look into the claims that the landings were faked. The fact that they haven't "exposed the lie" reinforces my opinion that we'd find abandoned landers and buggies once we get our crowd funded probe up there.

I don't know about the Russians going along with the ruse for the money... Why wouldn't they trot out the evidence after the USSR fell apart and they were pretty much broke for the whole 90's?

Considering the Chinese had their Chang'e (I think that's the name) robotic rover on the moon a while back it shows they have the capability to get hardware capable of sending video from there (unless that was faked too!). If they believed the landings were faked I'd bet a lot that they'd have sent their rover to the landing site and proclaimed to the world that there was no evidence of a landing spot.

The only way this would work is if all the major powers were in cahoots and intent on deceiving the masses for their nefarious plans. Granted, there are theories out there that proclaim just that, but from what I've seen of human nature it's a struggle to get more than two people to work together without someone throwing a tantrum and storming off in a huff. Now we get into David Icke territory with the lizard overlords and archons and what not.

Occam's Razor tells me the landings happened. There are just too many mental somersaults needed to justify an alternate conclusion.

Thanks for the cool article!

I watched an interview with Buzz Aldrin where he started talking about UFOs he saw while up there. If they seem like they are covering up things for one they are covering up all their UFO encounters.
I saw an Atlas 5 launch last year, that shit is impressive as hell. At this point though given the amount of crazy stuff the US government has done you can't rule out that the moon landings were faked. On the other hand they had to really develop intercontinental ballistic missiles that worked and that was the real point of the space program and we have those. There was a cool series last year about someone who found a treasure map one of the astronauts had made using some sort of secret device intended to find Russian military sites while in orbit.

Let me know if you remember the name of the series. That sounds good. It is sad that we have to question everything. Yeah, UFOs are another completely different issue. So much they could be hiding. lol
Who knows? I think it is all interesting, and try to keep it all from distracting me. hahaha. Have a great day and thank for reading and replying.

The buzz Aldrin interview was on ancient aliens like 2 weeks ago.
The name of the series where the fellow has his astronaut treasure map is called "cooper's treasure". As difficult as going to the moon is it is probably easier than trying to fake it. We stole a lot of the technology from the Russians, they made the mistake of sending one of their early satellites on a world tour where Americans were able to break into the exhibition hall in the middle of the night completely disassemble and document the construction and then reassemble the entire unit by morning. That's how we caught up in the space race.

Yawn, people are still discussing this? And some are still not sure about it?

Here's the news: The moon landings & all space travel are a 100% fake beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Welcome to reality =) Don't stop here, go deep down the rabbit hole – if you dare!

Peace on the stationary plane.

People will continue to discuss until the world fully wakes up. You sound like a very interesting person and you got a new follower. Thanks for reading!

Thank you & keep it up!

Great post!

Your final question is crazy deep: 'Would fooling the world we landed on the moon be a greater achievement than actually landing on the moon?'

A lot of our history looks strange, when you look close enough. Like the Japanese surrender.


If you look closely you will find that the flag is backward, has 31 stars (inverse of 13), and all of the stars are inverted. It was a literal 'false flag.'

What weren't they telling us? Why have we not officially declared war since WWII? Why was our Department of War renamed 'Department of Defense' before we signed the final peace treaty with Japan? Who were the 555th Paratroopers, aka 'Triple Nickels,' and what were they trying to hide between 1945 and 1947?

Sigh, so here's where we get into fitting the narrative to the bias. The flag is backward because it's on the Starboard side of the vessel and flown the direction of travel, as though it were hoisted. This is similar to how U.S. shoulder patch flags are attached to the right shoulder of Army uniforms.

The flag is referred to as the "Perry Flag". How many States were in the Union in and around 1853? Anyone? Ok, 31.

Flag mounted on bulkhead of veranda deck is the very same one flown by Commodore Matthew C. Perry when he led the US Navy's Far East Squadron into Tokyo Bay in 1853-1854.
See: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_C._Perry

Here's some info on the nickels ... What's the conspiracy around them?

C, I thought the question was pretty deep too. It is interesting to think about. I'd never heard of the flag thing until you brought it up, but it seems jason explained that. Very interesting though.
Thanks for the great reply. You got a new follower.

Did we land on the moon?
Yes. Yes we did. Next question please.

Awesome! Thank you!

I confused about this.. Really are they landing on the moon?

The question is Did they land on the moon. They have no immediate plans to do it again.