I don't believe they were faked. While the US had lots of incentive to beat the Russians at all costs (and Nixon wasn't exactly the paragon of truthfulness) I find it hard to believe that the Soviets would just accept that it happened without evidence. The Ruskies had the tech at the time to prove that the American claims were false if they were, and they would have screamed blue murder if they couldn't see landing ships and moon rovers through their telescopes.
There's the joke that goes: It is 100% correct that Stanley Kubrick filmed the moon landings. It's just that he was a perfectionist and insisted on filming on location.
I guess the only way to lay this conspiracy theory to rest is if a crowdfunded, independent team gets a probe up there and has a fly around the landing site with the abandoned equipment sitting there.
lol, great joke about Kubrick. I agree with you and Russia. Why wouldn't they tell the world, or expose things like 9/11 if it was an inside job. What advantage does Russia or China have to not rat out NASA. That bothers me too. The only thing I came up with... Russia saw how much money the people would allow for a space program and told their people the same lie? Who knows? I would love a crowdfunded moon probe, but that would take a ton of money. lol Thanks for the great reply.
Exactly. The Russians and the Chinese would love to be able to expose the US cover ups if they could. It would add so much ammunition to their propaganda and PR campaigns aimed at their own citizens and the rest of the world. Proving the landings were fake would be a massive PR coup for either of them. I wouldn't be surprised if there were programs by both governments to look into the claims that the landings were faked. The fact that they haven't "exposed the lie" reinforces my opinion that we'd find abandoned landers and buggies once we get our crowd funded probe up there.
I don't know about the Russians going along with the ruse for the money... Why wouldn't they trot out the evidence after the USSR fell apart and they were pretty much broke for the whole 90's?
Considering the Chinese had their Chang'e (I think that's the name) robotic rover on the moon a while back it shows they have the capability to get hardware capable of sending video from there (unless that was faked too!). If they believed the landings were faked I'd bet a lot that they'd have sent their rover to the landing site and proclaimed to the world that there was no evidence of a landing spot.
The only way this would work is if all the major powers were in cahoots and intent on deceiving the masses for their nefarious plans. Granted, there are theories out there that proclaim just that, but from what I've seen of human nature it's a struggle to get more than two people to work together without someone throwing a tantrum and storming off in a huff. Now we get into David Icke territory with the lizard overlords and archons and what not.
Occam's Razor tells me the landings happened. There are just too many mental somersaults needed to justify an alternate conclusion.
Thanks for the cool article!