Have been meaning to pop by your feed for a while. I was doing so on a regular basis but was at a point in which you were not posting often - life took over, as it does... and here we are.
As for the frikkadels... Best you do a pairing! ;) Now THAT would be a good post!
I remember, work and everything was getting mental so I pulled back a bit and then when everything was calmer returned, like a beautiful butterfly! :OD
hahahaha!!!! Graceful and elegant right... lol. (This was an interesting visual) All I got was a butterfly with your face pasted on it's head. :D
Yeah, life - she happens!
I have been in a bit of an "up and down" swing of the same too... so have not been as good as I was with getting to reading content these days... am trying to get out of my cocoon so I can flit around again like you, lol.
Have a lekker Thursday!
Flitting around is the key!!
Let us all spread our wings and be butterflies!!
... and not fly into pristine glass doors :D
Cheers for the Wine!