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RE: Belted

in #life7 years ago

Holy crap! I was in a fitting room yesterday and thought what it would be like to have someone walk in on me when I'm half-dressed. Did I just project that thought onto you, BOOM-goes-the-dynamite? I feel like I did, and I don't know whether I should say sorry or "you're welcome."

I wouldn't know what to do had I been in that situation. Definitely a classic right there. I mean, who would even walk in and forcefully put on a belt just to sell it. That's one hell of a sales technique. It's either she's just really good at her job yet invasive, or she has signed away her soul and the only way to reclaim it is to sell as many belts as she can before the next full moon.


I think she might just be really good at her job and can spot a mark a mile off!! I was genuinely speechless. It takes quite a lot to silence me!

She would've made a great pickpocket. In fact, I think she is!! Quick! Check your pockets!!