Haha this does put a smile in my face. A big smile, indeed! It's funny to me how integral the internet is for us these days. Gather 'round children, for I have a story to tell. Why I remember a time when... hmmm no, wait. The history websites I've perused suggested there was a time when there was no internet. No... internet... That's odd. I can't seem to recall there being a time when there was no internet. That's absurd. That's completely unheard of! Children.. I feel like I'm having an existential breakdown. Quick, google the cure!
I don't remember it either and yet my mother insists that I was born in such a time. I keep saying but that can't be right mum, I distinctly remember handing over my DNA to Google!?
Tall tales the elderly have dreamed up to scare us. A world without internet, ha! That's about the most hilarious thing I've heard in an hour! Siri, mark that down as a good joke.
Good old Siri, she had been there for mankind since the dawn of time... That's what she said right?
[Siri voice]
That is right, Boom Dog. You are correct in what you have stated.
Siri voice: I like chocolate logs
[Siri voice]
I like when they smear across my face. I am a dirty girl. A dirty, dirty girl.
Oh dirty Siri!! DIRTY!!