
They did not, although I have it on good authority that they tried. They really tried

Trying and failing is no better than not trying at all. Never mind all those motivation posters or those consolation trophies. It's 1 or 0. It's either they succeeded or they failed miserably without any hope of reprieve. That's why there are no more dinosaurs on the surface of the planet.

I find what you did to be most intriguing young feller me lad.

That's why there are no more dinosaurs on the surface of the planet.

You seem to pay particular emphasis to the surface... Could it be that you are aware as am I, of the theory of the under earth? That indeed the earth is hollow and there are places and spaces underneath the thing. Such places filled with a plethora of creatures and technology beyond our imagining?

You know, I really wasn't before @therealpaul clued me in on it. It's like an essential missing piece to the Flat Earth reality that we're living in. I mean, if the Earth is this one massive flat rectangle, then surely something is beneath it, right? I'm convinced that the people beneath us are laughing as we speak at how primitive we are. If my calculations are correct, they've been using the blockchain for millenia now, and that even stands as a basis for our own DNA!

Maybe blockchain is DNA... Alien DNA and those beneath are not our kin???

That's what I've been preaching on the side of the road for years now, but no one ever listens! They just turn away and their eyes bat sideways.