
It is a real pity that human beings are not conscious when we cast our votes when it comes to elect our rulers, they are where they are because they are elected by the people, none of them deserves to be able to be.
Excellent animation dear friend @meesterboom
Happy halloween nights

I couldn't agree more Mr J. A happy Halloween to you

We just have the wrong people, in the wrong place, doing wrong things, at the wrong time, ... and unfortunately two (or more) wrongs don't make things right lol
Fantastic animation work, as always!

Cheers man! And yes, you are completely right in the things you have declared wrong above!!

Putin missing from this animation

Maybe there will be a sequel ;0)

Well news live of your fear like vampires and btw Kim will fall from within, it's only a matter of time !

That's true, he is doomed!

Suck ass, it is quite a new word I have heard. What are the intentions of these two countries?

Yes, that would be a very likely scenario and with that ending.

Not to keen to witness it happen for real though...

Funnily enough i am with you on that one!

Yes, I had a hunch, seeing the animation, that you might. ;-)

Also, you are a parent, like me. Want to see my grandkids one day, growing up happily too. Now these psychos need to get a nice an tight white straightjacket. And then moved far far away from our beautifull planet. To the moon or something, nah, mars, even better.

And that was me replying in a sensible way, as I counted to ten first, then replied.

It's necessary to count to ten sometimes when these things are involved. You are right. Send them far away, where there is no hope of return!

Indeed, breath in breath out...

Hahaha, I feel a JLP quote coming up. ;-)

But I am going to hit the sack, as a figure of speech, I must add. Closing down the hatches for a few hours.

Have a good night mate!

i think back the old cold war days.
MAD was the term for Mutually Assured Destruction.

It was, I almost called this animation that!

The Hair!! Hahaha, that's what got me, that duck's ass hair!!

Hehe, I was quite proud of the hair! It's the main reason I started the animation!!

At this stage it feels like that is happening in our country - because of people that cannot let go of the past and keep on blaming and hating others. And I wish I could say our government is trying to make it better - things are getting more and more tense because of hate and ignorance.

It's the same situation here. We seem to be in an era where it is acceptable to go backwards

Sad but true - I try teaching my kids in class compassion every day and praying that the new generation will live for the future, not get stuck in the past

Compassion is definitely the way to go :0)

Maybe Kim Jong Junior was saying "Yusakaz" which might be Koreanese for "You have nice hair, mah dude. It is one that my hair strives to emulate." But, The Donald thought it was "You suck ass" and took offense because he prefers, and this is based on real news, grab women by le pussy.

In retaliation, the orange oompa loompa retorts the same, but because of his freakishly misshapen mouth, it came out as "Yoosakos" which is translated to "Your hair will never come close to my hair. In fact, it is much closer to being a birds nest. Bad genes!"

Man, I can't believe the world would end just because of hair. I guess you could say that when the apocalypse comes, everyone would have a... bad hair day ;)



I mean yes, everyone would have a bad hair day.

In the end it all comes down to hair. Look at history. It's all hair

You know, I think you're on to something. I mean, at the top of my head, I couldn't think of an influential bald person. I want to say Humpty Dumpty, but the king's men never did get around to putting him back together again, didn't they?

They did not, although I have it on good authority that they tried. They really tried

Trying and failing is no better than not trying at all. Never mind all those motivation posters or those consolation trophies. It's 1 or 0. It's either they succeeded or they failed miserably without any hope of reprieve. That's why there are no more dinosaurs on the surface of the planet.

I find what you did to be most intriguing young feller me lad.

That's why there are no more dinosaurs on the surface of the planet.

You seem to pay particular emphasis to the surface... Could it be that you are aware as am I, of the theory of the under earth? That indeed the earth is hollow and there are places and spaces underneath the thing. Such places filled with a plethora of creatures and technology beyond our imagining?

You know, I really wasn't before @therealpaul clued me in on it. It's like an essential missing piece to the Flat Earth reality that we're living in. I mean, if the Earth is this one massive flat rectangle, then surely something is beneath it, right? I'm convinced that the people beneath us are laughing as we speak at how primitive we are. If my calculations are correct, they've been using the blockchain for millenia now, and that even stands as a basis for our own DNA!

such a great real and funny story about these countries and their politics , and so funny animation , tnx

si esta en usa entonces salga de alli ya. jajaja. Saludos!

Cheers lass!!

Hmm nice clip end of the world...hhah😀😀😀 news make trouble

Nothing good ever came of the news ;0)

Perhaps the hair is the real underlying cause behind the war.


The hair is certainly a thing. Two mad hair styles. Total clash!

Cool footer :0)

Lol, so true. Appreciate you complimenting my footer. If you're interested in one of your own, I'm more than willing.

And that is very kind of you. I have toured with a footer previously and made myself one but keep forgetting to use it lol

Such a waste of a footer lol. Well if you decide you're interested lemme know.

Hehe, I sure will :0)

That about sums it up. DJT vs KJU. A frightening couple of buffoons.

Exactly the way I would sum em up!

Hahaha! So funny 😂, but on a serious note 📝 @meesterboom, these two actors always gets me thinking about the future of our planet 🌎 if people like them should continue in this dice 🎲 game of popularity and superiority.

I know, it's a serious thing. It's our planet not just theirs

The only thing I think is very sad as thousands of innocents can lose their lives because of the ego of a couple of people.
While the "leaders" are sitting in their best chair while they drink the best coffee.

It's true, it can be and it's a terrifying thing

Yep, that's both of them, all right.

Good work friend vote 4u

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