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RE: Stop That!

in #life8 years ago

AHAHAHA! I had to watch videos of crying babies just to stop laughing. Man, those kinds of parents... sheesh! It's going to be an unending cycle I'm afraid. That poor child would grown up to be just like his parent (hopefully not) then the cycle restarts. Makes you think if the same thing happened to her when she was growing up.

She's already not making any friends, I really don't see the point of making more enemies. What she should've done was to take her losses and scurried back home. It's like she's starting a war right after she had been stripped of any armor and weapons--with the Boom-Meister no less! Now, that's someone who should really lament.

We had family staying to help with childcare and chillis had to be purchased to make a fine and spicy feast for them.

OHOHO do I smell a much awaited cooking post coming!? :D


You know I almost did a cooking post!! I made a big fantastical Mexican style feast. It was great. But I feel out of touch with my cooking post mojo!

Her confrontation in the car park was tragic. I genuinely had to stop from giving her fire the oxygen it needed to breathe.

Having a kid though is great for these type of asides in public. I have done it many times. Usually about safety. Ah, small things please me!!

JEEZ!!! Mexican!? GAAAAH. My stomach. It hungers. Why, Boom!? Why??

I'm sure it's just like riding a bike, talking about putting up a cooking post. A souped up, solar-powered, chromatically-engineered bike. But, a bike nonetheless ;)

Those people really have no regard, but I guess you're right, children need to see the harsh reality so that they could avoid emulating it. They are a great deterrent for violence sometimes haha

It was one of my finest Mexican-esque dishes! Chipotle rice, chimichurri, habanero chicken, garlic kale. Loads of stuff. It went down a treat. Even made my own wraps!

Good grief, man! What have I done to you to deserve this, huh!? WHAT!? Gah!! Now look what you made me do! Drooling all over my shirt! Ah jeez... I'm a sucker for Mexican cuisine. I don't know why it is. My kryptonite I tell you!

I will remember that one!! Always handy to know others Kryptonite!! Hehe

Prepare the chalupas when I am Glasgow bound! I am prepared to meet my maker. My (Mexican delicacy) maker that is!

Hop on the next plane and they will be prepared!!! :0D