
Oh, I will! I will! Though I can't promise that I would be in the plane when it takes off haha!

On the outside of the plane!!! Bonkers! I love it!! How will you breathe up there?

Who told you that I even breathe in the first place? Boom-dawg, you're a very cool dude, but I think assuming everyone requires the use of breathing to live is a little ... inhale-cist don't you think?

Oh god you have found me out. I have always been repulsed by you non-breathers. I pretended of course to fit in that it was cool talking to you and sometimes even tolerating being in the same room. But the lack of lung movement. Yeek.

You folk give me the BOAK!!

Ugh! This is coming from a breather! You guys suck all the oxygen in the planet, no wonder we're heading towards Global Warming. I blame the melting of the ice caps on you lot. Think of all those polar bears floating to nowhere. For shame!

At least we use what's there!! You lot just mooch about in darkened bars letting all that oxygen build up until the place is ready to explode into flame!!

Bet you don't have no house plants do ya!! Riddle me that breathless!!!

Isn't that what a bar is supposed to do?? We're only speeding up the inevitable. Those places are a powderkeg, and we're just igniting it quicker!

You know what, as a matter of fact, we do have house plants! Since you breathers spew so much CO2, might as well help reduce the pollution. Say hello to my little friend!