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RE: The Daughters

in #life7 years ago

From the start to near the end, it had the makings of a frightening horror story. The Red Tent is a ruse, and you are slowly losing your lady love to powers unexplained! Could it be that The Mountain had spewed in order to prevent you from delving further? What if your good lady, Alexa and your cats are in on this whole conspiracy?? I guess our suspicion of The Doula was warranted. Even now she still has her claws wrapped tightly on your household. Seems like a job for Herr Starr!

Also, I always envisioned you sounding like Cassidy. Is that close? Haha!


Haha, close indeed!!

What if everything is a trust and my whole life had been one shadow gambit!! All leading to this moment where everything I hold dear is taken from me!!

I must think on this!!

Hahaha! Then I was right all along! I have been waiting for him to shout "cor blimey" for quite some time now.

As much as I would like to elaborate further, I feel like this comic effectively conveys what I'm trying to divulge to you