The title implies that there are things that I have done in the past which I don't continue to do now. Whenever I remember these things, I go through the classic stages of nostalgia, attempting to rekindle past glory and then remembering why I stopped doing that thing in the first place. After that, I either choose to continually do it or return it to the discard pile of past activities. I'm a very sentimental person, so when I choose to discard something, trust that I gave it a lot of thought. It's a rollercoaster of emotions all to itself, one which, and I don't want to get ahead of myself, everyone goes through from time to time. No? Come on, what are you, like, born yesterday?
In my attempt to rid myself of this legendary writer's block that I find myself lugging, I wanted to write a series of posts every Thursday (because hasthag throwbackthursday) to document things that I recall from my childhood or even just something I stopped doing last week. Who knows, there might be a hidden gem somewhere that I could unearth. Call it pandering, call it nostalgia, call it whatever you want. Just, please, don't call it a waste of time.

I would like to think of this as some kind of catharsis. A catharseriesNotesWorld, as it's helping me the same way even though I'm just reading it (if you still haven't read those or followed them, then you should probably get right on that) If those series have wondrous effects on me, then I imagine writing something vaguely similar might just do the trick., if you will. Not that I plan on sticking to a strict regular schedule, though I do plan to stick to posting only on Thursdays. This was partly inspired by @naquoya's and @dreemit's

Authors often use past experiences to inspire their writing. Not that I'm calling myself an author, as I identify more as a storyteller. This practice often yields to more grounded work, with emotions oozing off from every line. Rightfully so, as the stories are inspired by events that happened in real life. With all of its advantages, sometimes it also causes authors to be anchored to them. Past glories, past trauma, past everything.
I often find myself bogged down by past experiences. As much as I hate to admit it, it affects my personal and professional life. I attribute it to an above average memory, but seeing as it has deteriorated recently, I'm running out of excuses. Really though, I just find it hard to let go (see sentimentality).

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Don't get me started about worrying about the future. Seriously. This is a post about past experiences, so I don't want to have a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons of thinking ahead. As Alan Watts put it, there is no purpose in getting anywhere if, when you get there, all you do is think about getting to some other future moment.

I dabble in Zen Buddhism, and even though I'm not generally successful, I do try to drill it in my mind to live in the now. It's a continuous process, and one that I hope to master some time soon. In a couple of years or decades, at best. I always have my survival knife in hand so that I could kill the Buddha whenever I come across him.
It's my hope that this catharseries helps me to do just that—not kill the Buddha, but to use my past to propel me forward yet anchor me from straying too far into the future. The hope to find a balance in appreciating the now is the end goal, and one that I hope to share with everyone as well.
This was just an introduction, mainly because I want people to be prepared. Feel free to chime in the comments with your thoughts and suggestions, too. Buckle up because we're taking a trip down memory lane :D
Well, I hope you carry out your plan of posting this great new series. Finding all about Jedau's past and how he came about being such a great writer and person that he is.
I also love the fact that you've tried Zen Buddhism. Must help no end with stress and viewing life from a more philosophical point of view. I have a friend who said it worked wonders for their mind.
I look forward to much more from you, man. Keep the faith and post when you can. We'll be here waiting for you! :)
Consider it SILVER LINING Part 2 haha! I realized that I haven't done a narcissistic post in a while, so I was past due haha! The operative word when it comes to my experience Zen Buddhism is try. So, I certainly hope I get to practice it more often moving forward. My mind does need some wonder.
Thanks for stopping by, brother!
Well they say you can't know where your going until you know where you've been. This should make for some interesting reads. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Yes, they do say that, and they might be on to something. They are wise men indeed, I just wish I have a direct line so that I could speak to they hahaha! Just kidding, man. But you're right! :D
The past should be used as a compass to direct us to where we need to be instead of anchoring us to the past. I do hope this would result to interesting reads, or else I would just be wasting my time with it. Fingers crossed it doesn't flop. Thank you for your intent to read, and I look forward to reading about what you think of the posts when they're up :D
Thanks for the shoutout. I think you'll do well, as you write and explore and allow the thoughts to run free into word. It may not always make sense, but it will probably be like you say - cathartic. You've definitely got one reader here :)
If my experience is anything to go by then just this one weekly post will lead to an opening up of the creative flow for you (not that it appeared to be blocked to me). See where it leads. I look forward to following your journey.
With your Notes as one of the blueprints, I already know that it's going to be cohesive. Thanks, mate! Your friendship here really means a lot, and I'm just happy to go on a voyage in my writing journey beside yours :D
I think it will be a great way to explore in whatever fashion takes your interest. I'll be along for the ride. It's interesting with the Notes as I had no specific blueprint in mind. I just set out wanting to write, and wanting to communicate ideas. But also wanting it to be inherently readable as it was. Perhaps little stories, or just thoughts, or things I was learning. Whatever took my interest. And the end result is my writing is benefiting from it. And that is also leading back to the Notes themselves, making them stand out more (to me anyway). It's the old formula - read lots, write lots. Rinse, repeat.
I'm hoping this would continue the treatment that your Notes have been providing me. In my quest to crack the dam that's holding back my creativity, perhaps the old formula might just do the trick.
The last two days notes turned very much into exercises in creative writing. More so I think than a lot of the previous ones. It just happened. I think that is what can occur. Just write, let it flow (edit as necessary afterwords), and see what theme is bubbling to the top. What sort of coherence is presenting itself. Just keep it fun I suppose. I think that may be the key for me - before my time off I think I got fed up with writing, got too serious with it perhaps, and the creativity took a nose dive.
Although having said all that your writing has been great. Do you find there are blockages?
And it turned out into my favorite ones by far! Keeping the fun aspect is important for sure. If we get to serious and think of this as a job, our brains would just wander off elsewhere. I'm glad you realized that during your break.
My writer's block affects the frequency rather than the quality. I have spurts sure, but I expected an overflowing torrent after A Day in the Clouds. I'm not dismayed though, it'll come. I'm just trying my best to nudge it along, doing a rain dance, if you will.
I think you'll be fine. Like you say, do a little rain dance, make an offering to the muse, whatever is require. Read, write, put it all down and forget about it for a bit. Pick it back up again, look out at the world, ask questions. Look at it like a child, like an alien, like a cat or a dog :) Whatever it takes. Ideas will throw themselves at you.
Raaar this sounds good!
I will change the tag to #throwdownthursday Dont look to the past or worry about living in the now but look to the now for inspiration!
Every little thing might light that fire man!! Although I have faith that you will be totally ok :O)
insfired! My body is ready. Incinerate me, boomdawg!#throwdownthursday ha! I like it :) I shall change the hashtag during my first post of this. That's what I endeavor to do--looking at the now for inspiration. Time to get
I don't have to incinerate you, you are on fire already! Hehe.
It's a good tag, crying out for a contest to be associated with it almost!
I bet you see or hear something today that will Stoke you up!!
HAHA!! That's the disadvantage of great minds! A contest (of champions) is what I envision the end goal of this series to be. With your throwdown tag, it almost solidifies it haha!
I'm trying to fan the flames, hoping to get a fire going. Perhaps I need more kindling to get things going haha
It does almost solidify it!! We had best be careful... Lest we lament
Well now, we wouldn't want that now, don't we? Don't we!? Don't ... we? Hmm...
Hahahhahahahha.. Don't we? Do we? Are we?
Awesome, I can think of few more things I want to read than the experiences and memories of my friend Jed, with his fantastical imagination (like someone else's I know), passion for everything, emotions so strong they lift right off the page.
Very cool intro, definitely can't wait for more of catharseries! love it!
You can think of a few more things? :( At least my memories are still considered...
I hope it doesn't disappoint! Really though, if it helps people out of their funk, then I've done my job with this :D
Hee I like "Catharseries" XD
Sorry that you have writer's block :S It sounds annoying. Why do you want to kill the Buddha? o_O And would he notice?
Looking forward to reading the catharseries and hope it knocks out the writer's block :D
When you find the time to read Zen Buddhism, you'll discover why the Buddha needs to be killed, my friend. Then you'll discover that he was already dead, and that you didn't come across him :) It's all very trippy at the start, but you'll get it once you get in the flow. Trust me. Or, better yet, don't :/ I don't want you to need to kill me. Not yet.
I hope this proves to be a remedy so that I could get a story series under way! Thanks for all the support, mate! Much appreciated :D
Sounds like something I'll need brains to read XD Might see if the library has it.
It's a pleasure! ^_^
After you had your cup of coffee, I'm sure you'll be up and ready for the intricacies it poses. Who knows, reading it might even result into you killing coffee as well!
Seriously though, lay off the caffeine :|
I like your focus on storytelling. I recently heard a talk on how the best stories make the reader/listener feel like they are in the story. I'm guessing your "catharseries" will provide that type of experience for your readers.
That's what I try to do with all of my fiction, and I have received some compliments that support that. It's strange to be receiving the compliment with my non-fiction post, but I appreciate it and accept it with open arms. Perhaps telling stories seeps through every narration. I certainly do hope that this makes the reader feel just that. Thanks for stopping by! :D
I send you a big hug, have a beautiful day.Excellent work dear friend @jedau I think we all have a nice past to tell, even negative experiences can also be transmitted, so that others know how to act in certain circumstances
Thank you, my friend! It's my hope that my past experiences will help others as well. Have a beautiful day as well :D
click here!This post received a 4.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @jedau! For more information,
Nice! Thanks for decreasing the cost by 50% guys!
Well send like it'll be an interesting series lol :)
I certainly hope it does end up as something remotely interesting. I'm glad you received it as such ;)
Yeah I totally agree with you
I, uh, am glad? I totally agree with myself as well. I'm very glad that we have an agreement :D