I don't have to incinerate you, you are on fire already! Hehe.
It's a good tag, crying out for a contest to be associated with it almost!
I bet you see or hear something today that will Stoke you up!!
I don't have to incinerate you, you are on fire already! Hehe.
It's a good tag, crying out for a contest to be associated with it almost!
I bet you see or hear something today that will Stoke you up!!
HAHA!! That's the disadvantage of great minds! A contest (of champions) is what I envision the end goal of this series to be. With your throwdown tag, it almost solidifies it haha!
I'm trying to fan the flames, hoping to get a fire going. Perhaps I need more kindling to get things going haha
It does almost solidify it!! We had best be careful... Lest we lament
Well now, we wouldn't want that now, don't we? Don't we!? Don't ... we? Hmm...
Hahahhahahahha.. Don't we? Do we? Are we?
We are. We do. We shall. Everything is permitted, nothing is allowed.