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RE: The Chinese Conundrum

in #life4 years ago

This was starting to sound a whole lot like late 2017

Rocking the boat, shaking the low hanging fruit, standing with a basket to scoop up on cheaper trades then move forward....

Crazy shit is going on and it's not above board!

!tipu curate


It most certainly is not above board, crypto is sometimes like a crazy train with no driver!!! :OD

Most having say are media, most times blown out of all proportion, hence the crazy roller coaster ride!

Yeah, it is best to just watch and see who is saying what and in most cases ignore them and just focus on having a good time!

Horse blinkers on, I believe in crypto and things will pick up again...

Sometimes some good ole horse blinkers are the only way to get on in life! :OD

Learned to use them quite efficiently as the years have moved on 😉 loads of sheeple and clap trap out there, hear ear mufflers are pretty useful as well....

Don't give away all of the secrets! ;OD