You think the Chinese then?
The Good Lady called from the kitchen.
Her voice was coloured with a strange mixture of fascination and fear.
I looked up from my laptop where I had been watching the pounding waves from the sea of red crash into my crypto portfolio.
The Chinese? Of course, how could I have missed that! Here was me reading the latest scare stories circling around Elon Musk and his fat-fingered fudging of the cryptosphere when all along it was nefarious never do-welling from the Chinese and their cheeky crypto-regulatory ways.
I flicked away from my flaccid portfolio and instead started browsing the twitters for the very latest verified and free from falsehood crypto stories.
It was true, the Chinese were cracking down big style. Threats of outlawing the good ship Crypto and all who farmed in her.
This was not on. Not on at all. But what could we do?
Perhaps that sappyhamilton guy could start a class action lawsuit against them, that would work... Surely?
Yeah, right.
I chuckled and gave myself a knowing poke in the ribs.
Then something else caught my eye. China were not outlawing crypto. The whole FUD and distress was due to a scare story by Reuters.
This was starting to sound a whole lot like late 2017 when the banks pulled the big guns out and started scattering the cryptosphere with nonsense about it going to zero/being outlawed and trotting out various authority figures to tell us we were all being very silly for being involved in it.
But when you dug deep, it didn't really seem to be China that was the cause.
Not the Chinese, chick.
I yelled back from my investigatory recline on the sofa.
Oh, what about the Indians?
She yelled back at me in the way of married couples who literally cannot be arsed moving a few steps to be in the same room as their other half.
The Indians? Fuck? Surely it couldn't be them? They were on their knees from the COVID. Why would they orchestrate some kind of grand crypto dump?
I started tapping away at the Twitter search bar like a teenager from a nineties hacking movie.
There was nothing about India dropping some brown bombs from space on to the good planet Crypto.
Nah, not the Indians.
I yelled back at her.
Oh, well what will we do then?
The Good Lady squawked back in annoyance.
I nodded happily. This is what I liked to hear. Normally the Good Lady stayed well out of all my crypto shenanigans but it was good when she showed an interest.
Well, everyone is pretending that it is cool and they are good with it and coming out with all the 'weak hands being shaken shit.' I tend to ignore them as most of them are lying or shitting their pants and selling at a huge loss.
I grinned, despite her not being able to see.
I will do as I always do. Ride it out till the good times come again. Its only fucking magic internet money anyway.
I flicked away from the bad tidings of twitter and checked my Hive feed, giggling at some of the attrociously written posts telling all and sundry that everything was going to be ok and that the charts said blah blah blah.
The Good Lady swished into the room.
I noticed she was wearing a skirt today and for a moment felt a frisson of fear that her ravenous vagina was not locked firmly away under layers of denim.
Daddy-Bear, are you talking about that stupid crypto again? I'm not talking about crypto. We were going to order takeout remember?
She pursed her lips and rode my mind-pony with her stern eyes,
Oh, takeout... I getcha. Ok, Chinese then.
I smiled.
She frowned back and then remembered we were a loving couple and smiled.
So, what is the latest drama in crypto then? Markets crashed again? Are there more bears coming?
She looked at a random chart of red death on my laptop.
Well, yes actually. The markets have crashed again and no-one really knows why. Just lots of theories.
My laptop made a debonair fwupping noise as I closed it.
No one knows why? Isn't it because the whole crypto thing is full of liars and bullshitters who have no idea about finance and believe everything they read on twitter and just react all the time?
She said casually, taking the laptop and flipping it back open to get the takeout ordered.
I barked out a short laugh.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Lol the way you write is pretty entertaining. Fun story. Well, not fun because my portfolio is also a little flaccid at the moment, but still a fun read
My portfolio is a pile of poo right now. I keep thinking, but last week it looked amazing!
Lol, its so sad but true! :OD
Now I want Chinese food...
Oops, replied on my POB alt!
Well, atleast I'll be having pizza, can't complain!
Pizza is awesome. I could never complain about that, as long as it was loaded with spicy things and olives , rear!!
Yuck, olives! It's 4 different kinds of cheese today. With some fresh basil and home grown spinach for the 'healthy' part :D
That sounds good enough! I love spinach on a pizza, nestling under those lovely olives ;OD
I am having it, hurrah!! Or at least, I will be in an hour or so! :OD
Rocking the boat, shaking the low hanging fruit, standing with a basket to scoop up on cheaper trades then move forward....
Crazy shit is going on and it's not above board!
!tipu curate
It most certainly is not above board, crypto is sometimes like a crazy train with no driver!!! :OD
Most having say are media, most times blown out of all proportion, hence the crazy roller coaster ride!
Yeah, it is best to just watch and see who is saying what and in most cases ignore them and just focus on having a good time!
Horse blinkers on, I believe in crypto and things will pick up again...
Sometimes some good ole horse blinkers are the only way to get on in life! :OD
Learned to use them quite efficiently as the years have moved on 😉 loads of sheeple and clap trap out there, hear ear mufflers are pretty useful as well....
As the Chinese mine and thus control most of the BTC, it's would hardly be in their interests to ban it!
However, I noticed the head of the Bank of England last week again said "You WILL lose your money on Crypto".
Orchestrating progaganda and Fud AND getting the Chinese to take the blame....who would do such a thing?
BONUS points as Musk had already started the ball rolling!
Musk would be happy to be classed as the bonus ball I think!!
Yeah, they really do roll out those senior figures to say that you will lose everything and not to touch it to induce the fear.
Haha, indeed, when you put it starkly like that the answer seems easy.
Funk em, we will be the crypto lords in ten years time when everywhere accepts it and all the normies are weeping that they never got in!
In 2000 in the fiat world ... I owned shares of many High-Tech companies that were valued around $125/ea. By mid 2002, due to the revelation that the executives of many of those companies were fudging the books, most of those same shares were worth < $1/ea.
So, to see the market cap of the crypto space drop by 30%-40% feels like it's just a blip. But possibly a warning.
Hopefully the market will realize that the underlying technology/code of BTC is outdated compared to many other cryptocurrencies ... but I won't hold my breath.
I do imagine that many of the major fiat institutions affected the dip and that the financiers are taking advantage of the dip and increasing their hold of crypto.
My theory is still that the Chinese Gov't own (AKA: what's yours is mine) a high enough percentage of the bitcoin miners that they could fork the code and the US financial institutions own enough bitcoin that they can control the price. (DANGER Round Will Robinson)
The strongest play that us peon's can do is make the public realize that the alt coins hold enough value that they shouldn't follow the price of bitcoin.
Time will tell.
I think it can definitely be seen as a blip and a warning. It just seems that every bull run there are people who can influence the price at the drop of a hat. Like all crypto holders are absolute nancies who drop everything at the merest whiff of regulation
I do believe you are right and that they own directly or indirectly enough of the miners to get up to some shady antics.
Fingers crossed that this bull isn't over. I am sure it had more to give!
Hmmm. It's almost as if this post exists and the only reason is to challenge my ability to bite my tongue. Why have so many little zingers come to mind in such a short period of time and why am I battling thoughts down attempting to convince me the words would somehow add to this? Does the comedy simply write itself?
This could explain why my body did a weird thing yesterday. I was casually browsing content when I stumbled into a character passionately/angrily telling his camera in so many words everyone needs to remain calm. Similar to this with a hint of grandfatherly lecture except grandpa forgot his pills so was some place between here and dementia again.
My system did not know how to process anything it had been fed and rejected it all, naturally, knocking the wind out of me in a way that sounded exactly like laughter. Was caught completely off guard. Nearly choked on it. Then I pissed myself and made a huge mess. All this at the exact moment a woman came from out of nowhere and asked if I was ready to order or needed more time. Okay maybe I'm exaggerating but isn't that what we do here?
Hahah, yes indeed. Thats what we do to spice up the telling of life.
You did piss yourself tho, that bit was right?
I think the comedy does write itself half the time but it sure is helped when you read others telling everyone stuff that they don't truly believe either but want to be seen as the great oracle or influencer!
I always piss my pants. It's so warm and cozy.
It's just funny. I learned the hard way back in 2017 after taking some 'this is not financial advice'.
Then I got lucky for a time. Nowadays I've lost all interest. Sure I stick to the basics and enjoy my vacations but that's about it.
Ah yes, the old not financial advice, that was and is always a crock. Hey, this coin is great! This coin changes everything, not financial advice. Wankers!
Best not to be interested in all the crypto shenanigans. I don't really fuss myself! :OD
This is a bit dated, and younger people, but I am sure you can relate to this....
Regarding crypto and “prediction” of markets there is a whole industry out there, who are willing to teach and train you in exchange for, yeah you guessed it, money!
Ever wondered that guy in YouTube add who is touting the next financial success or the next “best” stock trading opportunity, why he is not doing it himself and instead wanting to “teach” you for a small monthly subscription.... 😂
Love the video. So many gems in there!!
I love those influencer type folk online who cn tell you how to successfully do everything and you think but come on man, why you hawking your ass on youtube or here if you can make so many millions!
Aaaaaaand ... It's up again. 😁
Ordered me one of these, wonder if they'll accept BTC. 🤔

Hahaha, a super car but perhaps the days of cars being bought with the ole BTC have gone out the window along with Musky baws's morals! :OD
Yes, a fine ride and totally green / renewable energy driven!
Did you know his name is Lone Skum as an anagram? Coincidence...!? I think not! Hah!
But anyway, he acted like a bawless thundercunt. He should have done his own research first instead of batter splattering 'Climate Change' spunk all over the Cryptos realm.
And there I was thinking he was supposed to be extremely smart anol... Sad, just sad. But he and his company are still clever enough to HODL on to their BTC, apparently. 😁💰👍
A bawless thundercunt
Very true though, he wrecked what was looking like a very good year for crypto. Even though it is bouncing back a little.
I truly suspect they pumped it, sold at the top and bought back in. The shadiest of the shady!
That would not surprise me at all!
Nor me. That's what bawless thundercunts do!!!
Hi @meesterboom , Very good the good lady, if she knows how to analyze the market, I congratulate you, you have a treasure at home and we are not cryptocurrencies ha ha ha, seriously, the good lady is very intelligent, we should all do what she says, ignore so much speculation, so many lies, if I find a woman like the good lady I'm sure I will ask her to marry me, intelligent women are the best company
Some of my whining about crypto has obviously ubbed off on her.
A good intelligent woman is certainly the best, especially if she is blonde :0D
ha,ha,ha, you have no remedy, and if she is not blonde too ha ha ha, the important thing in this case is her brain, the other for another time ha ha ha.
Hehe, yes. We will stick to the brain cover story!
Current affairs told at its finest. You could veto the Chinese and Indians, show some loyalty and get some Scottish cuisine.., such as haggis and chips?
Wahahahhaha, you crazy!! Even the Scottish dont eat the Scottish cuisine!
Although, Haggis and green chilli pakora is very tasty, would that count? :OD
@bingbabe like haggis, but I can't bring myself to try it. Sheep's innards.. kind of make me shudder. Scottish cuisine to me are those Scottish breakfasts advertised in the B&B's.. which are the same as the English ones... but prefixed with a different county word.. oh.. and that Haggis stuff is included. Black Pudding is bloody 'orrible too!
The key to successfully eating haggis is to really not thinking about what is in it. Thats how I manage, Probably why it is better when dressed up in batters and the like.
I hate black pudding, It gives me the heebs that you are essentially eating dried blood pancakes with added lard. Yech. Give me some hash browns and some eggs any old day! Although a square sausage is a fine thing!
Yes. Elon Musk and other "influencers" can easily manipulate the whole cryptocurrency market. People are selfish, greedy and "blind".
They totally are, they act as a giant herd as well which is always the frightening thing. One does it and they all run to join in. mofos.
Thanks for continuing to make Hive awesome.
Your good lady still hasn't embraced crypto after all these years!? No wonder we haven't reached CONSENSUS!
I'm still a little bit sore with the Chines. I hope you went with Indian!
I'm still riding this horse until it breaks. The merry-go-round is fun, and unicorns aren't real.
That just about sounds like crypto some days.
It's all good.
Yeah, it is indeed. Where else would you see the like but the blockchain :O)
But, we love it anyway.