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RE: Death Kill

in #life10 months ago

Medal of bravery required for felling skills, words used with descriptive meaning. Thanks for links to learn more Aha the English language!

Saving pennies adds up to pounds, you did the right thing hope you tossed the branches back for the owner to clear 🙃.

Now you got rid of all that frustration, enjoy the scratches and carry them with pride.

!BEER it's deserved.


I am carrying them with the greatest of pride! Although they are a bit itchy!

I was tempted to throw the branches and wood back over the fence but I shall choose for once to be the better man!!

Makes good compost around the garden, dry bigger logs for fire wood during winter, hell with fuel prices, little fine here or there no problem....

I have kept a fine selection of the bigger chunks and added to my wood pile! The rest is getting burnt and mulched. 🙂


Facetiously she said..., 'well done Scar, wear it with pride!'